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Human or Secular Spirituality and Religious Spirituality

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Single lined, 2 pages, 12 pt font.
A. From the readings(uploaded), select a description of human or secular spirituality and a description of religious spirituality that offer you a beginning insight into “spirituality.”
B. Using each description (from A) and drawing from the same readings identify and discuss three insights you are beginning to understand about people’s hunger and thirst for spirituality today focusing on what speaks to you the most.
C. Next write your own description of spirituality by adapting from the descriptions listed in the appendix of the chapter by L. Cunningham, What is Spirituality and from Rolheiser, What is Spirituality.
D. Imagine yourself participating in an interfaith dialogue on spirituality. What do you want to contribute to this conversation? What would you hope to “take away” from this initial conversation on spirituality?

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First Integration/Reflection Essay
Due Date
First Integration/Reflection Essay
A. From the readings (uploaded), select a description of human or secular spirituality and a description of religious spirituality that offer you a beginning insight into "spirituality."
            Spirituality is a connection with the human spirit and may include spiritual experiences and religious activities. Ursula King (2008) highlighted there are multiple meanings of spirituality, but the concept is associated with religion, but spirituality is more internal. Spirituality is a lived experience where there is a quest for the fullness of life and people's experience with nature and relationships to other people and society (King, 2008). Those who choose to live a spiritual life and spiritual activities may focus on their individual needs and social needs, but there is dedication and mindfulness that allows them to transcend one-self (King, 2008). Christian spirituality reflects the response to Jesus Christ's spirit, which is mediated by the scriptures (Bowe, 2003). An encounter with God is essential in Christian, and biblical spirituality where the scriptures influence and shape the Christian community (Cunningham, 1996).
 B. Using each description (from A) and drawing from the same readings identify and discuss three insights you are beginning to understand about people's hunger and thirst for spirituality today focusing on what speaks to you the most.
Divine desires and purpose influence people to seek spirituality, and in religious spirituality, there is a desire to connect better with a deity (deities) or higher power. One aspect of religious spirituality is devotions, but the other view is spirituality being based on nurturing faith, including using the bible to guide people, and religion is a more personal experience.
 Living a religious life, including a secular culture, requires spiritual exploration and the search for timeless truths. The inner quest for a spiritual life influences people's choices and their experience in the spiritual journey. In Christian spiritual tradition, common Christian beliefs influence choices, where there are the divine purpose (Cunningham 1996). A religious person's spiritual journey often requires they live a certain life as spirituality is a lived experience and having a community of other religious adherence helps strengthen ...
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