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Difference on Jesus and Apostle Paul's Spirituality Teachings

Essay Instructions:

First Reading: Ferguson: Spiritual Pathways within Christianity
Sections 1-5: New Testament, The Story of Jesus, The New Testament as guide for spiritual
pathways, Spiritual traditions of the Christian tradition, The contribution and challenges of Christian spirituality
on p. 175 Answer discussion questions 1, 2, 3,4,5

Second reading: Christian prayer in a relational world (Kathleen Fischer)
• Thesis of this chapter – prayer can deepen our sense of relatedness to all creation: Aim to
see how this is true both of contemplative and of intercessory prayer

Answer How does Kathleen Fischer answer the following questions?
• What does it mean to say that God hears our prayers?
• Can the prayer of one person really bring about a change in the life of another?

Also, Read pp. 21-25 Intercessory prayer and interdependence
Write: one paragraph – Explain what, for you, is an important takeaway from Fischer’s
explanation of intercessory prayer and interdependence.

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How is the teaching of Jesus about spirituality similar and different from the teaching of the Apostle Paul about the spiritual life?
For both accounts, there is the aspect of there being a transformation that happens to attain the next or new level of spirituality. Paul speaks of the old life being a life in the ‘flesh’ and the new life being a life in the ‘Spirit.’ This particular life is one where people have accepted God’s grace that comes by having faith in Jesus Christ. In Jesus’s account, he also spoke of the need for transformation, where one has to let go of their old direction or ways of life for another under the leadership and guidance of God.
However, they differ in that in Jesus’s account, the spiritual center is God. Humanity must turn to God and seek him and his power alone. He is the sole focus. In Paul’s account, the church gifts people their spiritual centers. In church is where one gets to have their transformation nurtured.
In what ways do the teachings of Jesus and Paul urge us to express our spirituality in being responsible in society?
In Jesus’s teaching, through the transformation that comes through God, Christians ought to take care of the less privileged in society. Jesus claimed that the manifestation of the transformation that happens as one draws near to God is showing mercy and love to those who are considered less deserving in society. On the other hand, Paul teaches that through the grace that has been received, Christians ought to extend or seek to lead lives of love and service at all times.
Which of the patterns of Christian spirituality are most persuasive and appealing to you?
Service to society happens to be the most persuasive and appealing. The need to care for the less privileged in society is the ultimate form of love and one that cuts across all religions, doctrines, and beliefs in the world. It simply speaks love, and hence the one that appeals most to me.
How would you describe your spiritual center and the way it takes form in a spiritual pathway?
My spiritual center is God. I have a staunch belief in his existence, and through this belief, I am able to experience him through the simplest of things in life. For example, when I see a plant or animal species that I had never seen before, I get to experience or feel conscious of his closeness. Also, when I am experiencing other aspects of nature, and I get to perceive how balanced the world is, I get to experience God.
What do you see as the primary strengths and weaknesses of the Christian approach to the spiritual life as you see it expressed in the world around you?
One strength is in the teachings and aspects of love and service. I have seen Christians help out and give themselves to the less privileged in ways that brought tears to my eyes. There...
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