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Confucian Thought about Rituals, Kingship, Order, and Legitimacy

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of the first assignment is to have you read the basic texts of early Confucianism and Daoism. You should read these texts as closely as you can before composing your essays! You are expected to compare and contrast their views of the good life and good government. Here are some more specific guidelines:

Both Confucian and Daoist thinkers were primarily concerned with how to lead a good life in times of chaos (moral and existential questions), and how to achieve good government (political philosophical questions). Each of these thinkers (Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi, Laozi, and Zhuangzi) had different ideas and offered different solutions as to these problems. Figure out how each thinker understood human nature (re: good life), and what each offered as solutions (re: good government) to rampant evils in human society at the time! Of course, you can choose to focus on either "the good life" or "good government," but you can also address the other by spelling out the far-reaching implications of their views.

Once you have gained a confident understanding of these texts through close reading, you can find a more specific topic for further inquiry into the implications of these texts. For example, you might want to begin with the question of why and how Laozi and Zhuangzi were so critical of Confucian philosophy (what were their differences were as to human nature and good government); or you might want to defend Confucianism by constructing a Confucian apology against Daoist critiques.

You can, of course, address these issues by focusing on a more specific question: for example, you can focus on the difference between Laozi and Confucius. Even if your focus is on Laozi and Confucius, you should also cite later texts (Mencius, Xunzi, and Zhuangzi) because by reading the later texts, you can form a clearer understanding of their predecessors (Laozi and Confucius). Vice versa, you can choose to compare Zhuangzi and Xunzi, but you should also cite the other three texts.

Here is a list of possible topics for your essays:

1. A Daoist (Laozi or Zhuangzi or both) critique of Confucian (Confucius or Mencius or Xunzi) morality (remember "morality" is not only for individuals but also for government)

2. Zhuangzi's view of "virtue" and Xunzi's view of "learning", similarities and differences compared.

3. Compare and contrast the Daoist and Confucian methods of "self-cultivation" (and their implications for good government)

4. Compare and contrast the Daoist and Confucian views of the state (and explain why each school proposed such visions by addressing their views of the good life)

There can be numerous topics! Be creative, and use your imaginations!

1. Topic: Based on your reading of the Confucian Classics (the Book of Documents, the Analects, the Mencius, and the Xunzi) and the classics of Daoism (the Laozi and Zhuangzi), compare and contrast the ways of the good life and good government, as articulated by these two rivaling schools of thought in ancient China.

2. Tips: In order to write a successful essay, you should first establish your views of what Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi, despite their differences, commonly offered as solutions to political chaos and social disorder. Once you have gained a fair understanding of Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi, reconstruct a Daoist critique of the Confucian Way based on a close reading of the Laozi and the Zhuangzi.

3. Textual Evidence: In your essay you should provide textual evidence for your arguments. For historical contextualization you can use the Cambridge Illustrated Historyof China with proper citation; however, NEVER use on-line sources as they tend to be misleading. Footnotes are expected. Internal parenthetical citations are NOT acceptable.

4. Title: The title of your essays should contain be composed of two parts, a running head and a sub-title, respectively. An essay without a proper title will NOT be accepted. These are a few possible examples:

a. “Ritual as Self-fulfillment”: The Significance of Ritual in the early evolution of Confucian Thought

b. “The Ministers Should Reprove a Ruler”: Ministerial Check on Kingship in early Confucian Texts

c. “Order, Wealth, and Legitimacy”: The Work of Government defined in Early Confucian Classics

5. Length: 5 pages (Times New Roman 12 points, double-spaced)

The title gave three examples and put them on it, and the requirements for the entire title and title are also put on it. Don't write too perfect, write almost follow the instruction and feel free to contact me thanks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Confucian Thought
Confucian Thought
Confucianism is one of China's ancient religious philosophies which focuses on morality, personal ethics, and respect for the community and its values. Indeed, Confucian thought has laid the foundation for much of Chinese culture for more than two millennia. Considering the philosophies of the Confucian beliefs, peaceful living requires ancestral worship and human-centered virtues. As a result, the philosophical believers hold that one must not do unto others what they wish not to be done to them. Equally, Confucianism seems more of a religion than a philosophy. The main idea of Confucianism considers humanity as a way of achieving moral perfection, and individuals must learn the virtues of respect, humility, and selflessness. As a result, education becomes the order for completing a humane or appropriate form of character. Notably, the study assists in discussing Confucian thought about rituals, kingship, order, and legitimacy.  
Ritual as Self-fulfilment
           Confucius was majorly concerned with the appropriate performance of music and rituals to preserve the Zhou ritual system. So, the Chinese character believed that rituals performed before the altar are not a matter of religious ceremonies. The philosophy holds that the performer's attitudes and effects become the ritual psychology as performers should focus on developing moral dispositions and reforming desires. As a result, Confucius considers li as something one grows out of and also sustains the feeling of ren. Therefore, individuals should perform rituals appropriately to assist in teaching social roles, transforming characters, and limiting desires. 
           Confucianism holds that even though individuals are essential good, many often stray from moral conduct. So, Confucius teaches that rituals assist in transforming characters within a group. At the same level, reading through Confucian thought helps identify the fact that rituals and music are inseparable. For instance, one can develop specific perceptions about the other by considering their music type. On the other hand, rituals can assist individuals in recognizing the inner-self that causes disruptive behaviors (Csikszentmihalyi, 2020). Conducting rituals appropriately helps open realms of change as one can connect with the inner being. Take, for example, a group exhibiting violent characters that can transform into being the most ethical upon exposure to rituals that help to connect with the light within. Besides, Confucius explains that people performing rituals consider personal themes to portray or hint at their personality. Therefore, rituals make people immerse themselves in their world to rewire thoughts to the ethics and virtues of the community. 
           Rituals also assist in limiting desires within communities. Confucian thought explains that the psychology of rituals restricts desires as performers must alter their affective state and limit appetitive desires. Confucius illustrates desirable affective states when performing rituals (Lu, 2017). For example, a person experiencing a feeling of sadness can be moved to joy while performing rituals but then to grief once the rituals end. As a result, Confucius' thoughts about the proper performance of rituals influenced several philosophers, including Xunzi, who associated different parts of a ruler's day with specific emotions. So, visiting ancestral temples to make offerings and connect with the spirits allows individuals to reflect on sorry while wearing particular clothing. Notably, the above exploration describes how rituals assist in developing specific emotional responses and performances channel people in particular directions. Therefore, the social convections implicit in ritual hierarchies limit people's preference to pursue selfish desires. 
           Another significance of rituals in the early Confucian thought is instilling social roles. Indeed, Confucius describes that rituals are significant facets in forming bodily social life. As a result, rituals guided ancient Chinese to develop mutual respect for parents and ancestors through service to them. According to Csikszentmihalyi (2020), older members of the society became the root of developing community virtues such as respect, morality, and ethics. For instance, in ancient Chinese families, younger siblings were required to be devout to parents and older siblings.  
The Ministers Should Reprove a Ruler
           Confucian thoug...
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