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Philosophy Dialogue

Essay Instructions:

Introduction to Philosophy (Writing Intensive)

Spring 2022

Assignment 2: exercise in philosophical discussion

Due via Canvas by 11:59PM Wednesday, February 16

Write a dialogue between 2 or 3 people who are discussing the problem of evil.

One of the characters thinks the problem successfully shows that God does not exist.

Another character disagrees, and has a specific reason to think that the existence of a 3-O God is compatible with the amount of pain and suffering in the world.

In this assignment, you are going to choose one response and explore it in detail, rather than covering every response to the problem that you can think of. The point is to have a sustained, focused exploration of one response to the problem of evil. If you have a third character, s/he can be anything: an additional character on either side, a neutral facilitator, comic relief, etc. It’s up to you whether you yourself appear as a character.

The dialogue should be 3-4 pages long (double spaced and 12 point font). You should not explain the problem of evil in the dialogue; you should assume that all characters understand it, and jump right in to the discussion. One way to make this seem realistic is to make the characters students in our class; another is to write as though the characters have had an earlier conversation (“Sarah, I was thinking about what you said the other day…”) Of course, if at some point it becomes crucial to clarify some aspect of the argument, do so. You can have a character say, “I think you’re misunderstanding the way that…” or something along those lines.

The best dialogues will contain original material. That is, they will go beyond class, either by offering a response to the problem of evil that was not presented in lecture, or by offering new objections to responses that were presented in lecture. (Or both!) This is not a research paper. I want you thinking long and hard on your own.

Overall, either character can “win,” or the dialogue can end inconclusively. If you do end the dialogue inconclusively, however, be clear about why you’re being inconclusive, and what would help settle the matter. Don’t just say, “oh, well, I guess there’s good arguments on both sides” or “I guess we have to agree to disagree.” Those are total cop-outs.

The point of this assignment is to critically engage with the material, and think hard about what both sides might say. Doing philosophy well requires careful reflection on other people’s positions and arguments, and understanding the point of view of people with whom we disagree. Consequently, it is crucial that your characters be thoughtful, intellectually engaged, and willing to grant good points and alter their positions accordingly. None of your characters can be jerks or idiots. Every character has to be willing to listen to the others, and take their ideas seriously. This means that the character who thinks the problem of evil is convincing must really work to defend it, rather than immediately crumbling when an objection is raised. It also means that the character who thinks it is not convincing must really work to respond to the argument, maybe shift gears in response to what the other character says, and so forth.

Grading note: Fleshing out the characters, setting the scene, and so forth is just window dressing. I hope you will have fun with this assignment, but you’ll only be graded on the substantive philosophical discussion between the characters. This does not mean that the quality of your writing does not count. As always, your writing should be clear, careful, well-organized, graceful, and free of grammatical errors. It just means that you won’t be downgraded if Hollywood isn’t going to come calling for the screen rights.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student's First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
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Course Number and Name
Instructor's Name and Title
Assignment Due Date
The dialogue is between two people: James and Anne. Anne is arguing from a perspective that God does not exist because she was from a rich family, but sickness stroke her parents, and in the process, they died, leaving her an orphan. The relatives were not interested in her, given that all the wealth covered the medical expenses, an instance that left Anne in the streets with no one but his friend James. James is a Christian, and he strives to convince Anne that life is full of temptations and she has to persevere.
(The place of the conversation is under their favorite mango tree).
Anne: (shaking her head) Hey, remember when you said that faith could get you through anything?
James: Yeah, I remember, it was when your parents were sick. Am sorry.
Anne: Well, don't be sorry because I think you were wrong, and the idea of faith is just an aspect meant for the poor.
James: Everything happens for a reason, and the only thing that can motivate us and give us inner strength during hard times is faith.
Anne: In short, for example, my parents died for a reason, which by the way, I don't understand because a few months ago I was living a happy life, but now I am miserable.
James: Maybe there is more in you than you think. Even though everything has happened to you, you are still that smart kid with a good heart. Nobody can take that from you; all you need is to believe in yourself.
Anne: Comes on, James, I believe in myself more than you can imagine. Only that nowadays, I have widened my perspective on how the world works, including people's expectations.
James: (confused in a minute) …and what is that perspective, Anne?
Anne: It's simple. I think I have understood the difference between rich and poor, and the reason why the rich might continue being rich and the poor being poor.
James: It's all about the dynamics of the economic system, hard work, and believing in yourself. And at some point, the poor might end up being rich
Anne: I agree with you on the part of believing in yourself, but everything revolves around the mentality of an individual and not the dynamics of the economic system and hard work. You can be hardworking, but you don't have any goals or objectives, meaning success will only...
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