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The Unified and Coherent Nature of The Bible and The Theological Doctrines

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the unified and coherent nature of the Bible and the theological doctrines. One way to view Scripture is through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation. Considering biblical doctrines through these four plot movements can aid in our understanding of humanity and humanity’s relationship to God.
After viewing the presentation, Understanding the Metanarrative, and completing your textbook readings, you will be equipped to demonstrate the coherence of Scripture and share some of the implications of the unified message of the Bible.
For this assignment, you must write a 600–1,000-word essay addressing the following prompt:
The unity of the Bible is demonstrated through the Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit on the human authors of Scripture. The study of theology uncovers and articulates the unity of all the biblical texts when they are taken together. From the list of approved doctrines to address, demonstrate the unified nature of the Bible by tracing that doctrine through the four major plot developments of Scripture.
For example, The Bible describes God as love in 1 John 4:8. The way to interpret “God is love” is to look at the biblical story that reveals God’s character through His actions.
When looking at the idea of love through the four major plot movements in Scripture we see God’s love demonstrated in His creation of humanity, His patience with humanity after the fall, His sacrificial death to redeem humanity from the fall, and His restorative work through preparation of the heavenly home. (This example would be substantiated and demonstrated with biblical support, and be elaborated on within the essay.)
Assignment Requirements:
1. Discuss the major movement of the biblical metanarrative, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books.
2. Choose two topics from the approved topics list that are presented in Biblical doctrine with attention on how these theological topics unfold through the through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation.
3. Using your theological examples, share the implications that these examples provide humanity’s relationship to God.
4. Incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course resources.
5. Incorporate at least 2 relevant biblical references.
6. Write a clear introductory paragraph including the thesis statement. A summative concluding paragraph must also be included.
7. Refer to the "Course Policies" in the course syllabus for the formatting expectations in this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Biblical Metanarrative
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Biblical Metanarrative
The Bible is a religious book that shapes religious beliefs, and it is written in a precise and concise manner to mirror the life and role of Jesus Christ. The cohesive and chronological nature of the Bible is shown by the connection of the concepts, settings, characters, and plot from the beginning to the end. Four primary central texts revolve around the life teachings of Jesus and his love for humanity. The Bible comprises sixty-six books, and within them are four core plot movements, namely creation, fall of humankind, redemption, and restoration. These four doctrines are inextricably woven, and their cohesiveness is evident in the text comprising the Biblical metanarrative. The four plot movements’ high reverence of faith and sanctification are the two examples of unity in the Biblical metanarrative (Short, 2012). From the onset, it depicts a clear and vivid image of our intrinsic nature of being and God’s nature which manifests since the beginning in creation, the fall of man, redemption, a new creation through the Biblical narrative. From this perspective, it is evident to revere through God’s desires. It plans towards humanity in the Bible, thus creating a firm foundation for us to unveil the unified nature of the bible text and the unity of God and humankind
Biblical Metanarrative
The Christianity perspective is built on comprehending the essence of unity in religion and the unity of scripture. Lack of proper knowledge about the unity of Christians congregating to serve God would draw more people to sin and be preoccupied with earthly pleasures rather than serve God. In the same vein, with the lack of foundational knowledge on the principles and practices of the scripture, Christians cannot fully comprehend and pursue the Biblical perspective nor serve God wholeheartedly. Drawing from these insights, we must solemnly vow to understand the Biblical metanarrative during Bible sessions and church services. Meta is a Greek preposition and prefix that refers to beyond, thus adding meaning to the term metanarrative as beyond the story. The Bible comprises smaller stories that make up the predominant story in the Biblical metanarrative. This metanarrative is based on one main character, the Supreme Being, the eternal son of God, Jesus Christ. These characters are anchored on the theme that Jesus Christ is the Savior and has the maximum power to redeem and restore humanity. God’s master plan for saving and restoring humanity is anchored on the four significant sub-plots: creation, man’s fall, redemption, and restoration.
Topic 1:Image of God
In today’s contemporary world, working in harmony with others reflects God’s presence in our lives. According to Genesis 1:27, human beings are created in God’s image; hence the close and personal relationship evolves. In the beginning, the world was created, and it was beautiful; this paints a clear picture of Gen...
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