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Religion & Theology
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Understanding the Islam's Five Pillars

Essay Instructions:

Explore Islam and compare Muhammad's 5 Pillars with Jesus, Moses, Confucius and the Buddha.

-What are the five pillars of Islam? Why is it important to pray five times a day? What does Ramadan entail? What significance does the annual Hajj hold for Muslims? Why do Muslims give to the poor?

-Compare and contrast the Islamic teachings with the 10 commandments, Jesus' Beatitudes, Confucius' Virtues and 8-Fold Path of Buddha. Are we beginning to see some similarities in the various teachings?

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The five pillars of Islam are Shahada (profession of faith), Salat (prayer), Zakat (alms), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage). These five pillars constitute the fundamental tenets of Islamic belief and are accepted by all Muslims regardless of regional, ethnic, or sectarian differences. It is important for Muslims to pray five times a day because it helps believers maintain their relationship with God. The five times of prayer are spread throughout the day from dawn to evening and help Muslims lead disciplined lives. Ramadan involves abstaining from sexual relations, eating and drinking, and errant behavior (Williams, 2016). These acts of fasting are meant to cleanse the worshipper’s soul and redirect their hearts from worldly inclinations towards godliness and generosity. The significance of the annual Hajj is to renew one’s commitment to God and show solidarity with other believers.
Muslims are required to go to Mecca at least once in their lifetimes, ...
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