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Reform Judaism

Essay Instructions:

-Take notes from at least 8-10 sources:

a. your textbook or research journal

b. at least 3 legitimate internet website sources

c. a book, magazine, or newspaper article.

-Interpret these notes into your own words

-type a bibliography of the resources you used for information, following APA guidelines

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Reform Judaism
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Judaism is an ancient Greek religion that believed in God's revelation to their ancestors like Moses and Abraham. The religion has three separate branches, which include the orthodox, reformed, as well as conservative (Baeck, 2019). These branches adhere to different norms. For example, reformed Judaism does not seek the messiah but believes in its existence and that everyone can fulfill it. Orthodox Judaism is well known for its adherence to the Law of the Jews. They believe in the existence of Almighty God and the covenant that God made to their ancestors. On the other hand, conservative Judaism serves as the middle ground between Orthodox Judaism and Reformed Judaism. Conservative Judaism follows the traditional Jewish Law while at the same time embrace the new developments. According to Sarna (2019), Judaism currently boasts 14 million followers across the globe.
Conservative Jews tend to modify the currently existing knowledge of the reform Jews. Various changes have developed in religion; Conservative Judaism tries to relate these new changes with the old practices (Collins, 2017). Various places are considered holy according to the Jewish religion. These places are sacred and are majorly meant for worship. The places include Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed as well as Tiberias (Guidelines for Christian-Jewish Relations, 1988). Concerning the Conservative religion, Women are currently accorded various responsibilities and can now become Rabbis responsible for implementing the Jewish Law. This is different from the traditional beliefs in which such responsibilities were accorded to men. According to Dunn et al. (2018), in a study that tends to view the similarities that exist between Judaism and Christianity, it elaborates that the Jews women are currently empowered by the practices carried out by the conservatives. Traditional Judaism undermined women and they were offered similar treatment as children. Although the effort by the conservative women to fight for equality among all gender as a matter of religion is a concern, Orthodox still limit their participation in various activities that pertains the religion. They have greatly limited the role of women in religion and most of the activities that relate to religion are performed by men (BBC, 2009). One of the notable institutions that serve as the central rabbinical seminary in conservative Judaism is Jewish Theological of America, where women are taught the Mastery of the Jewish Law.
Torah is the main holy book that is used among the Jews. Some of the rituals practiced by the Jewish religion to date include Circumcision, the naming of the child, and wedding ceremonies. The religion also practices the Mezuzah, Mikvah as well as the redemption of the sons (Dunn et al., 2018). In comparison with Christianity, there are elements of the stereotype that exist among the two religions. Judaism does not view Christians the same way they view themselves; for example, a child born by Jewish pare...
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