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Difference and Similarities Between Islam and Christianity

Essay Instructions:

Pick one of the following topics and write a 2–3 page paper incorporating the key focus areas of the topic.
Topic 1
Compare and contrast two major Western religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). Begin your project with a clear, focused thesis statement. Address the origins, region, main leaders, the particular teachings or philosophies, rituals, scriptures, holy days, and impact of the religions.
Topic 2
Write a dialogue between two of the following: Moses, Jesus, Muhammad. Begin your project with a clear, focused thesis statement. Address these points: birth or origin; their ethical system and its source; and reactions to the introduction of the system. Compare and contrast their teachings and philosophies.
Topic 3
Write a paper in which you present a visual report on two nearby Western religions sites, one of which must be Jewish or Muslim. An alternative is to do an Internet search of two religious locations. Begin your project with a clear, focused thesis statement. Look at architecture, interior space, etc. Include visuals to illustrate your points. How do these reflect the definitions, terms, and what we have learned about these religions? Note: include images in an Appendix to your paper. The appendix and images do not count toward the required paper length.
Topic 4
Conduct an extensive interview with a person who practices a Western religion, Sikhism, or is a part of a new religious movement, and write a paper presenting the results of this interview. Begin your project with a clear, focused thesis statement.
Use these questions in your interview:
How did you become associated with this religion?
Which aspects of this religion intrigue you?
Is it difficult to practice your faith?
What readings or scriptures do you use?
What are some rituals you perform?
What holy days or holidays do you keep?
What would you like others to know about your faith?
Topic 5
Write a paper that explores religion in the news. Find an extensive news story on one Western religion or one of the new religious movements. Begin your project with a clear, focused thesis statement. Interpret the news story for people at a family gathering by explaining how it relates to the basic tenets of that faith tradition.
Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.

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The Feuding Brothers: Difference and Similarities Between Islam and Christianity


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COURSE XXX: Title of Course

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The Feuding Brothers: Difference and Similarities Between Islam and Christianity

According to the Latin poet Lucretius, religion has brought forth criminal and impious deeds (Colman, 2010). The statement remains relevant in the modern world as it was in medieval times. Over the years, people have committed atrocities in the name of God, starting from the events of the Crusaders (1095 – 1291 CE) to the modern acts of terror. In both Islam and Christianity, leaders have pious words on their lips and blood on their hands (Coffey, 2017). What stands out between the two religions is the inherent confrontation against each other. However, these religions are like feuding brothers who have more in common than they are different.

Origin, Main Leaders, and Region

            Jesus and the 12 disciples founded the Christian faith in the 1st century CE. Jesus was a Jewish teacher and healer who proclaimed God's coming kingdom and was crucified in c. AD 30-33 in the Roman province of Judea. On the other hand, although Islam has roots that go back further, scholars place its origin in the 7th century making it the youngest of major global religions. It started in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) during the time of prophet Muhammad's life. While there is a difference in how they started and the leadership, the two religions were born in the Middle East and are inextricably linked to each other (Stroumsa, 2014).

Scriptures, Teachings, & Philosophy

            There are some notable differences between Islam and Christian teachings. For instance, Muslims rely on the Quran, do not subscribe to the Holy Trinity, and believe that Jesus was neither divine nor died on the cross. On the other hand, Christians do not celebrate Islamic holy days, do not recognize prophet Muhammad, rely on the Bible, and have different days of worship compared to their Islam counterparts. The differences cut across many aspects, including rituals, how prayers are performed, dressing, morals, and the perception of Christ. In the latter, Christians believe Jesus is God (John 10:30), while Muslims believe Jesus was merely a miracle worker and a prophet (Surah 3:49).

However, what most people fail to point out is the profound similarities in teachings. Both religions teach love and peace, the two most essential elements that promote harmony on the planet (El Serour, Duamelle, & Youannes, 2016). Both religions also believe in one God and that all human beings are children of his. They, therefore, believe in similar rules or laws given by God. Obeying these laws keeps humankind in a desired relationship with God. Similarly, both religions perceive Satan as the opposite of Holiness and have concerted efforts to dissuade followers from Satan's distraction. More importantly, both religions believe in the day of judgment and the literal existence of heaven (paradise) and hell. Therefore, in many ways, Islam and Christianity share a philosophical basis, including teachings and beliefs.

Rituals & Holy Days

            Christians' essential rituals and practices include baptism, the Eucharist, and marriage and burial rites. The standout holy days include Christmas and Easter. In Islam, the essential rituals or practices include Shahada (declaration of faith), Salat (5-times a day prayers), and Sawm (fasting). The critical holy days in Islam include the Festival of Sacrifice, Maulid Al-Nabi (Prophet Muhammad's birthday), and Ramadan. While there are profound differences in how these rituals or holy days are practiced, a fundamental similarity is that they aim to remind and strengthen followers' faith in God. They all serve a similar purpose of connecting humans with God.


            Both religions have a significant impact on the global community. On the one hand, they teach love and peace and provide a moral compass for followers. On the other hand, they influence the political and social life of followers, including international relations. Christianity has over 2.5 billion followers, while Islam has 1.8 billion adherents. The paper shows that the differences between the two religions cannot be ignored because they have been used to fuel enmity and justify bad leadership and atrocities. However, the similarities show that the two religions are as closely related as brothers.


Coffey, J. (2017). Early Modern Religious Violence and the Dark Side of Church History. Transformation34(2), 101-114.

Colman, J. (2009). Lucretius on religion. Perspectives on Political Science38(4), 228-239.

El Serour, G. A., Duamelle, P., & Youannes. (...

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