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Old Testament Character meeting

Essay Instructions:

The outline for the character paper will be due at the end of the week. The paper is an overview of the character or a discussion of a significant event within the life of the character. As an example, the meeting between Joseph and his brothers who years earlier sold him into slavery. The paper is to be 1500 words. You may select any character in the Old Testament.

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Old Testament Character Meeting
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Old Testament Character Meeting
Moses was born to a Hebrew woman during the Egyptian Genocide. At his birth, King Pharaoh ordered Egyptians to murder every Hebrew boy by throwing them into the river. However, being a Hebrew, baby Moses survived the infanticide. His mother, Jochebed, desperately saved him by hiding Moses in a basket made of reeds and leaving him on the river bed (Grove & McCredden, 2010). When Pharaoh’s daughter came to bathe in the river, she found a baby floating in the basket and decided to adopt him. Miriam, Moses' sister, came forward and suggested finding a Hebrew woman to take care of the baby (Robinson, 1997). Pharaoh’s daughter agreed, so she called her mother, who was appointed to nurse Moses. Jochebed took care of Moses until he was old enough and brought him to the King’s daughter, who adopted him as her son. Growing up in the royal family made him develop the courage, vision, and pride needed to liberate the Jews from slavery (Ryan, 2017). He also learned all Egyptian wisdom and skills. Later, Moses became the Exodus leader under God's command, leading Israelites to the Promised Land.
At one point, he saw an Egyptian beating a Jewish slave. Moses killed the Egyptian and fled to Egypt to Midian, fearing that the Egyptians would punish him for murder. While in Midian, Jethro, the priest, sheltered him. He married Jethro’s daughter and became a shepherd of his father-in-law’s flock (Exodus 3:1:3). During this time, Moses looked after the flocks on the sloped of Mt. Horeb until one day hen God appeared to him in the form of a burning bush, which was not consuming. Some people think that turning to God is what led Moses to the burning bush. Others believe that God heard the cries of the Israelites in Egypt, and Moses was his chosen servant to free his people and lead them to the Promised Land.
During this time, the Egyptians were brutally enslaving Israelites. When God saw that Moses was getting close, he called Moses and told him to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. However, Moses was afraid to look at the bush, which he knew was God. As a Jews, he thought he was unworthy to look directly to God (Robinson, 1997). The Bible says no one can see God and live to tell about it. God told Moses that he had seen the suffering of the Jews and had come to liberate them to a country rich in milk and honey. Moses questioned his ability, giving God many reasons why he should not be chosen as a messenger.
First, he claimed he was not a good speaker. God promised to help Moses speak. When Moses asked who he should say sent him, God responded, ''I am who I am, Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 3:15). God also showed Moses three signs to show those who doubted him. His rod would become a serpent; his hand could temporarily turn white as if afflicted by leprosy; he could turn water into blood. Despite these miracles, Moses insisted that he needed someone to accompany him. God sent his brother Aaron, and it was at this point, Moses accepted and spent forty years leading Israelites from Egypt to Canaan.
There are many lessons learned from Moses 'encounter with God through the burning bush, even though the story gives Moses a unique role in delivering Israelites. One aspect of the story is Moses' reluctance to follow God's call. In this aspect, one can learn that it is in God alone that human beings can live and do anything. As such, there is a need to respond to God and obey him. Along with Moses, further truth and confidence in God are revealed. Also, in the story, Moses experienced exile and was far from perfect, yet God determined to send him. In the same way, God may humble humans through different learning experiences and suffering (Grove & McCredden, 2010). However, when God calls to special ministerial works, as he did with Moses, he will also equip and send his people with authority and provide the resources needed to accomplish his mission.
Additionally, God has always wanted Moses and to be holy. That is why he was commanded to remove his shoes before approaching the burning bush. As such, the Jews had to cleanse themselves before seeking God. The voice of the Angels speaking manifested that Yahweh was the pre-incarnate son (Ryan, 2017). The voice of God of the patriarch manifested God the father while the fire and light manifested...
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