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The Scripture's Dual Nature is an Inherent Bias

Essay Instructions:

Reading: Chapter 1 from the Fee textbook, How to Read the Bible for All its Worth: “The Need to Interpret.”


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In consultation with Fee, answer the following:

What inherent biases do I bring to the text that creates a need to interpret?

What are some contexts and tools that are useful for interpretation?

What do we mean by the discipline of hermeneutics?

Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words; then write a response in support of your initial post as well as a response in opposition of your initial post. Each response should be a minimum of 125 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Scripture's Dual Nature is an Inherent Bias
What Inherent Biases do I Bring to the Text that Create a Need to Interpret?
           One of the inherent biases I bring to the text that creates a need to interpret is that every reader is an interpreter. This analogy is based on the assumption that readers understand what they read. However, while reading the Bible, readers tend to understand the text based on their experiences, culture, and prior understanding of words and ideas. Therefore, to say that every reader is an interpreter is an inherent bias because reading the text and interpreting it requires exegesis and the Holy Spirit. 
           Another inherent bias is that the dual nature of the scripture demands the task of interpretation. Fee & Stuart (2014) wrote that the Bible is both human and divine. That is, it is God's word given in human words in history. Because of this duality, the Bible has external relevance and historical particularity, which dictate the need for interpretation (Fee & Stuart, 2014). The reason for this inherent bias is that people have different beliefs about the Bible, which should be considered. Some believe that the scripture is merely a human book, whereas others think of it in terms of external relevance. 
What are Some Contexts and Tools that are Useful for Interpretation?
           Historical and literary contexts are some of the useful contexts for interpretation. The historical context has to do with the history that forms the biblical story's backdrop. It includes information about the time and culture of the biblical author and audience (Fee & Stuart, 2014). On the other hand, the literary context relates to particular words and literary forms that best convey the author's message. It is a significant task in exegesis: - "the careful, systematic study of the scripture to discover the original, intended meaning" (Fee & Stuart, 2014, pg. 27). 
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