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In Defense of Heaven’s Gate

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Lecture 5: Family Cults

One thing that unites David Berg and Ma Jaya is that they both saw themselves as parents and their followers as a family. I suspect that they thought that this sort of language sounded friendly. However, family dynamics are not always friendly and power relations are sometimes problematic in such environments. Parents have authority over their children and when this authority is connected to religious visions, you may have all the ingredients needed to make and serve trouble (especially with the added mix of a seeming fixation on sexual practices).

Family cults are common and these two are being used as an example for many.

Some quick notes on this lecture:

1) I downplay the Family International site. That said, I did draw quite a bit of material from it.

2) I understand that David Berg and Ma Jaya have passed away. I am treating them as a formative influence on their respective groups. Whether these groups have radically changed since their passing is a fair question. For instance, Family International has claimed that they have denounced the practice of "flirty fishing," However, according to the page attached in your readings, there is evidence that this practice continued past the declaration of its discontinuation. Is it still happening? Some say yes, others, within the group, shout no. My interest is in their foundations, not how they have managed the poor public relations of their origin.

3) I have provided some quotations from David Berg's article "The Devil Hates Sex" (and from other pamphlets) within the images of the lecture. These quotations contain coarse language and opinions that may easily offend. I understand that these may be off-putting and disturbing for some students. My own commentary seeks to be delicate about these matters.


Lecture 6: Heavens Gate and Eckankar (Out of this World Groups)

On Monday, I presented a lecture about two groups whose niche is the "Family" centered container of new religious movements. Today, we have two groups, Heavens Gate (they do not seem to use the possessive apostrophe) and Eckankar, as representations of new religious movements that saw, or see, their future as beyond the usual dimensions of our daily life and world. Heavens Gate, I suggest, is a curious group: 1/3 theological reformation, 1/3 political commentary, and 1/3 science fiction mythology. The first two-thirds would not be, I predict, outrageous to many people. It is that last third that makes us wonder. Why is it crucial to their perspective? Did they know we would find it odd? Yes, they did. They knew we would call them a cult. And yet, they stood by their beliefs. How come?

Eckankar, on the other hand, is for the more adventurous, or bored, among us. They offer travelling on the spiritual plane, special knowledges, experience of your past lives, and access to the sight and sound of God. They will show you how to be a happier person, a better student, a more giving member of your community. They will show you how to be special and one thing many of us seem to like is feeling special? Are they a religion? Are they a self-help group? Are they a cult? Are they a scam?

Warning: suicide is a part of the Heaven's Gate story. It must be mentioned, I hope I treated it with delicacy.

Note: I make reference to Jesus telling Peter that he should let the dead bury the dead. Jesus does say this but I don't think he said it to Peter.


List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Lecture 6: Heavens Gate and Eckankar (Out of this World Groups)

Lecture 7: Groups That Think the World Corrupt (and Corrupting)

Last week, I discussed groups that offered escape from the ordinary aspects of this world. Today, we are considering representative groups who think the world is corrupt and either seek to fix it (Unification Church) or escape it (The Brethren, Twelve Tribes of Israel). Of the thousands of cults, that we hear about on our internet feeds, this type is probably the most common. The world is full of sin, the world will destroy you. The tone, here, is harsher, and more concerned, then what we find in mainstream religions which also implore you not to become too engage in the ways of the world. In mainstream religions we still find a call to love the people of the world (employing the classic, and difficult, maxim of love the sinner but hate the sin). With these groups this premise of affection is tempered by a "leave us alone" or "Get behind me Satan" approach to life and others.

Do you find the world is corrupt? Are what used to be vices now considered virtues? Have we become decadent people governed by selfishness and greed? Has technology damaged the ways we connect with each other? Are our families and relationships in splinters, are our children out of control? And, sorry to say, but it is a question implicit in all three of the groups under discussion here: have women forgotten their proper place? These three groups all started as hyper patriarchal churches (although the Unification church has made movements to more progressive beliefs - resulting, possibly, in the dwindling of their numbers). You need to get back to the basics of old time religion. You need to forget about money and think about your community. You need to take God more seriously. These three groups, led by very wealthy representatives, ask you to think about how a life pursuing worldly goods has damaged you.

I predict that you are going to find these three groups curious. Arranged marriages, strange sexual rites, eating out of dumpsters, dressing in rags, employing corporal punishment with children, are some of the components we will discover. If cults are new religious movement that have disgraced themselves in the eyes of larger society, there seems to be a lot to consider here. However, part of the story is also about politics and media, if you are rich (as Rev. Moon was), you can make political friends who will defend your ways.


List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Lecture 7: Groups That Think the World Corrupt (and Corrupting)

Lecture 8: The Church of Satan

As I note in the video lecture, it seems unthinkable to present this course without a section on The Church of Satan. However, it also seems thinkable that The Church of Satan belongs in this course. Is it a cult, a religion, a world-view, a playful rebellion? That is up to what you think. What it is, though, for many (if not all), is a startling name for an organization. When in doubt about certain vicious criminal acts that have occurred in society, newscasters and opinion-generators have long had the tendency to throw the idea of Satan-worshippers into the mix of those possibly responsible. It does not reassure those tuning in. It sounds dangerous and arbitrary, it sounds like the name for a hidden anarchy slinking through our streets trying to ruin everything that might be good and innocent.

But, as we will find out, it is only a name and behind the name there is nothing much (depending on what scares you) to be afraid of. In fact, the video lecture asks if many of us (if not all of us) might be able to say, are, in the ways we think, are already aligned with the core beliefs of the Church of Satan. Pro-rationality, freedom of expression, the rejection of organized religion, take care of yourself, respect others if they respect you, do not let yourself be walked on, love animals, spend your money on what you want - these tenets do not sound so foreign or unappealing to many people. But is this all there is, is there something diabolical behind all these ways of considering our lives? Maybe, I think it depends on how you want other people to see you, and how you want to see yourself.


Lecture 9: Scientology

Scientology is unique as a new religious movement (or "cult") given its celebrity membership. What attracts celebrities to this organization and how does this attraction impact the ways that people like you and me see this group? At the start, Scientology has its undeniable attractions. Do you feel scarred or stained that thinks that have happened to you in your life? Do you find yourself reacting to situations that end up exacerbating your problems? Scientology can help. Though it denies the relationship, Scientology appears to be quite similar to traditional psychological therapy - talk about what has happened to you, uncover its causes, deal with them, and be better for it. But then, as we saw with Heavens Gate, the conversation gets a little stranger. Demons are acting as leeches on your spirit and this is no metaphor. These are actual demons and they are weighing you down. There is a science fiction/apocalyptic narrative that we are living in and you, if you are a Scientologist, have a significant role to play. So sign the billion year contract and give yourself to the truth, and in doing so free yourself forever from the judgment and criticism of others - rid them from your life. They are holding you back. Save up, sign up, and start the auditing process. It will be a long and expensive road but as the Church of Scientology explains, it will prove more worthwhile than your pricey university education.

Is this a religion, a science (designed and tested by only one scientist whose own narrative raises a glut of questions), a psychology, a financial scam, or is it the new way?


Essay Sample Content Preview:
In Defense of Heaven’s Gate
Perihelion is a term used to describe a celestial body’s nearness to the sun. On January 5, for instance, the earth is said to be closest to the sun (perihelion) and farthest from the sun (aphelion) on July 5. Since a year marks a complete revolution around the sun, we experience a perihelion annually. For other celestial bodies, however, like the Comet Hale-Bopp, it takes millenniums for a perihelion to be experienced; that is when it comes so close to the sun that naked eyes can see it from the earth. It is estimated that the second-last perihelion for this comet was 4,200 years ago (July 2215 BC). The latest, however, was observed on April 1, 1997, coinciding with a mass suicide of 39 active members of Heaven's Gate, including the sect's leader, Marshal Applewhite (Raine, 2005). This date is telling because it associates a rare celestial event with a watershed moment in the history of a religious group that believes in UFOs and space travel. In this view, the current paper seeks to discuss Heaven's Gate as a religious movement based on its theological perspective and classification as a cult by the dominant beliefs. Theological Perspective
Heaven's Gate is among the many new religious movements that seek to transcend the earthly plane. This group seeks to exit the trap of human existence for better truth in the other realms (Lalich, 2012, p. 11). There are several central beliefs in this religious group. For instance, they believe that the modern sense of freedom and liberty has a single function of broadening the gap between the rich and the poor. According to them, modern entertainment has increased our cynicism to a point where apathy is the only outcome. In other words, everything in the modern world is messed up, and there is nothing individuals can do about it (Penner, 2022). Consequently, they need to leave the earthly plane, where the idea of UFOs and Spaceships comes in. Nevertheless, before one can leave, one must prepare by abandoning all aspects of human life, including relations, attachments, and even the body, in anticipation of the next spaceship (Raine, 2005). This belief might have led Applewhite and his followers to believe that Comet Hale-Bopp was the spaceship they had been waiting for to transcend to the next realm. Heaven’s Gate followers rely on spaceship technology, borrowed from the Si-Fi Movies culture as explained by Jones (2012, p. 34), to connect with Christian scriptures. In their view, Jesus was an outer species that came to earth by taking the body of a 29 years-old man. He spent three years trying to teach or explain how people could attain the real he came from but was killed for his efforts. To him, the earth was a garden of souls that, when ripe, could be plucked into the eternal realm. At the time of Jesus, the garden did not have ripe souls to be harvested, and another attempt was scheduled 2000 years later. This period coincides with this millennium in which UFOs have been sited on the planet or within its atmosphere, looking for conducive souls to enter the next realm. Moses’s story was the earliest known attempt to pluck ripe souls, Jesus was the second, and the third was Marshal Applewhite. Applewhite's Jesus, however, is not the same as the Jesus proclaimed by Christians. His Jesus discourages any form of attachment or relations, be it family, friends, or relatives, because they cause people to be prisoners on earth. They prevent people from seeking God's love. People must leave everything, their possessions and families, to enter the heavenly realm. His Jesus wanted people to forget their desires and hope for earthly comforts, pleasure, and other earthly impulses. Food, for instance, is to be taken like medicine and not necessarily for pleasure. The body and the worldly life must also be shed for a person to be a ripe soul plucked into the next realm or truth of the divine. All religious groups have an enemy, and Heaven's Gate is no different. In their view, Luciferians are the fallen ange...
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