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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Ranks Self-Actualization

Essay Instructions:

This week you will complete a 2-3-page expository paper investigating a famous person from the list provided, and examining their journey toward becoming fully functioning and self-actualized. You will use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources from the library in addition to the textbook and provided biography.

Give a brief overview of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Define self-actualization using your own words and supporting it with a reliable supporting it with at least one reliable source, either from the library or from the textbook.

Select one of the following individuals (below), read the related biographical article and provide a brief introduction to the background of your selected individual, appropriately using quotes and paraphrasing when needed to support the facts.

Examine the selected individual and apply at least 3 characteristics of a self-actualized person to their life, giving examples and supporting the applied characteristics with a reliable source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Ranks Self-Actualization 
Maslow's hierarchy of needs ranks self-actualization needs highest, followed by esteem, love, safety, and physiological needs respectfully. Survival needs such as food, water, and sleep represent essential physiological satisfaction. Safety needs become dominant when physiological requirements are satisfactorily met, which involve a desire for order, predictability, and security. Belongingness and love needs include intimate relationships, identification with a group, friends, and a supportive family. Recognition from others satisfies esteem needs that result in feelings of acceptance and prestige that boost a person's confidence. One experiences self-actualization when psychological, safety, love, and self-esteem needs are adequately satisfied.
Self-actualization results from the acceptance of the person's intrinsic nature as a result of an ongoing actualization of talents, capacities, and potentials. Maslow further state that the creation of some talent does not require the satisfaction of the pre-self-actualization needs. The difference between self-actualizing people is that meta motives govern their lives compared to deficiency motives for nonactualizing individuals. Some of Maslow's characteristics of self-actualized people include being autonomous, having a quality of detachment, perceiving reality fully, expressing a continued freshness of appreciation, identifying with all humankind, upholding democratic values, and having a strong ethical sense.
The Background and Self-Actualizing Characteristics of Confucius's Life
Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who played a massive role in influencing future Chinese society and culture. His legacy on the philosophy of social interaction, kindness towards others, and corrective behavior shaped Chinese society on justice, personal ...
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