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Skepticism - Individuals Cannot Know Anything

Essay Instructions:

We need to determine if Skepticism is an appropriate understanding of the nature of knowledge.

For this paper, please write out the following:

Discuss the knowledge questionnaire found on p. 57 of Reading Assignment #9

What do you think these questions reveal about you?

Which questions or topics do you find the most challenging?

Check out the Thought Experiment on pp. 59-60

Which area of knowledge are you the most skeptical about?

Which do you find the most convincing?

Summarize the Positive & Negative Evaluations found on pp. 70-71 of Reading Assignment #10

Why is Skepticism a helpful approach to acquiring knowledge? What does it do for the pursuit of wisdom?

What are the biggest problems associated with Skepticism?

Are you a Skeptic? Why or why not?

Your paper must be at least two pages, double-spaced and it must address all the bullet points above.

You will be graded on your writing, so be sure to write well with attention to spelling, grammar, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Skepticism Name Institution According to skeptics individuals do not and cannot know anything. They aim to make us believe that we do not know much as we tend to think we know. To determine the nature of knowledge there is a concern of how much as an individual do we know and in this view, the skeptics confirm that we lack in knowledge. Based on the given questionnaire there was no uniformity in my answers considering some of the statement I agreed to conflicted with other statements in the questionnaire. The questionnaire analysis: I agreed with statement 1, 3,4,5,10 and disagreed with statement 2, 6, 7, 8, 9. Agreeing with statement one means I am a skeptic especially if I agreed with it and disagreed with the rest, however, my results were as earlier mention not consistent. I do not hold epistemological objectivism as I disagreed with statement two. Agreeing with statement three shows empiricism but this conflict with 6 which I disagreed with. Statement four also inhibit empiricism but the statement conflicts with statement 7 which I disagreed too. Statement 5 also shows empiricism and I agreed with but I disagreed with statement 8 which it is in conflict with, statement six shows am not rational as I disagreed however it is in conflict with statement 3 which I agreed. Statement 7 also shows am not rational as I disagreed with it however I agreed with 4 and they are in conflict and on statement 8 it is in conflict with statement ...
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