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Reading Question: Chinese Philosopher Confucius

Essay Instructions:

This week, tell me which specific ideas, which you learned this semester, made the most significant impression upon you. In other words: which ideas struck a chord in you, and why?

You may write about anything at all that we covered this semester (including the Zen readings, or even ideas only discussed in class or which only came up tangentially).

Please write at least 1 full page.

For example: Confucius.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading Question  Name Institution Date of Submission Reading Question  The teachings of various philosophers this semester have had a significant impact on my life. The philosophers’ outlook on society various aspects such as economic activities, political, social and religious beliefs distinguish each as a unique scholar. Chinese philosopher Confucius has inspired me a lot throughout the semester. The philosopher’s teachings in The Analects are some of the most valuable lessons I have acquired in the class. The Analects is a composition of Confusion’s ideas put together by his disciples (Ivanhoe & Norden, 2005, p.1-15); it contains varied topics; nevertheless, teachings on self-cultivation and governance stood out for me in this literature. Confucius portrays a notion that there is no clear distinction between the ethical and political aspect of an individual’s life. An individual who wants to be a leader in a society must first of all realized self-cultivation before upholding any office. The emphasis on self-cultivation to promote the governance of a country according to the philosopher entails that a person can ...
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