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Sexism. History and the Role of Woman

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The Basic History
In the 2008 US presidential primaries, Hillary Clinton lost to Barack Obama, and the primary reason was believed to be the voter gender bias. There were questions about gender bias and sexism that were said to have influenced the voting pattern. During the campaigns, ideology did not take center stage as was expected, and despite Hillary being a strong candidate, the issue of sexism affected the outcome. Hillary Clinton's candidacy sparked the public's gender bases opinions and offered an opportunity to interrogate the role of gender in American politics as well as the reality the biases bring in American life and law.
The Typical Role of Women in 2008 Primaries
During the 2008 primaries, it was jubilation as the women celebrated the stride they had taken in political life, but the public did not seem settled about the role of women in politics (Dolan, 2014). Women were still believed to be attending to their families and could therefore not fit for demanding political positions. Women faced stereotype oppositions, and at one time, a heckler called Clinton to “iron my shirt” questioning the role of women in serving public offices (Dolan, 2014). Even though there has been a changing social attitude about the role of women, still, the majority of people stereotyped them when it comes to political office.
How Different classes of Women were Treated in 2008
During 2008, there was an improvement in the manner women were treated regardless of their class. The number of working women rose compared to the previous years, but the only challenge was that the wage paid to women was less compared to that paid to their male counterparts serving in a similar position (Van der Gaag, 2014). The only class of women that were feared or were treated differently was those that rose to senior political ranks, such as Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin because the roles they intended to have, was more significant than what was expected of them by the society.
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