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Classic Maya Religion. Religion & Theology Essay Paper

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Classic Maya Religion
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West Coast University
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc409783205 \h 3History PAGEREF _Toc409783206 \h 4Cultural Context PAGEREF _Toc409783210 \h 5Sex and Gender Roles6Acculturation7Conclusion7References8
The classic Maya religion of Western Honduras, Guatemala, Tabasco Chiapas, Belize, and the Yucatán vicinities of Mexico is a Southeastern variation of Mesoamerican religion. As is the case with various other modern Mesoamerican religions, the Maya religion results from centuries of synergy with Roman Catholicism. Considering its pre-Spanish precedents, the Maya religion existed as a recognizably distinct phenomenon for more than two millennia. Before the onset of Christianity, the Maya religion spread over numerous autochthonous kingdoms, with all their own native traditions. In contemporary society, the Maya religion coexists and engages with Christianity in its various denominations and pan-Mayan syncretism, the ‘re-creation of tradition’ facilitated by the Pan-Mayan movement.
Keywords: Maya religion, Mesoamerican religion, Mexico, Christianity
Classic Maya Religion
Dramatic advances in decoding ancient Maya writings have uncovered that the Maya were people of faith. The Maya prided in their closeness to the preternatural. They built temples that housed images of preternatural beings, worshipped many gods, developed complex theologies of matter and spirit, and envisioned the universe imbued by living essences. Now, many of these practices and beliefs lie bare to our gaze. Interpretation of Maya hieroglyphic writing makes it possible for us to understand the Maya system of morality, their religious practices, and their concept of the nature of human existence. Given this, this paper will discuss the Maya history, cultural context, sex and gender roles, and acculturation.
The Maya history is separated into three major periods. First is the Preclassic period, which was followed by the Classic period and concluded by the Postclassic (Estrada-Belli, 2011 pg. 1, 3). These periods were predated by the archaic period, which introduced the early agricultural developments and the first settled villages (Estrada-Belli, 2011, pg. 38). The Preclassic period began in 2000BC and ended in 250 AD. This period saw the establishment of settlements and cultivation of staple crops including squash, beans, chili peppers, and maize (Drew, 1999, pg. 6). It also saw the introduction of fired clay figurines and pottery. The Classic period followed the Preclassic period, and it began in 250 AD and ended in 950 AD. This period marked the documentation of monumental inscriptions, urbanism and large-scale construction, and significant artistic and intellectual development. The Postclassic period began in c.950 and ended in 1539 AD (Estrada-Belli, 2011, pg. 3). This period saw a series of changes that distinguished its cities and those preceding the classic period.
Represented in the US
In 1970, the socioeconomic conditions brought about by war triggered a mass migration of Mayans into America. Currently, Mayans have settled in areas such as Miami, San Francisco, and The Great Plains. Mayan-Americans are found mostly along the Sunbelt. They inhabit various urban cities such as Houston and Los Angeles, but, they also inhabit rural areas because of their agricultural roots. Most Mayans occupy manual-labor positions but some own businesses such as culture classes and restaurants. The communal aspect of Mayans is very strong because Mayan populations have occupied more US land and have established their means of sustenance for those economies. Some Mayans have formed settlements in agricultural societies such as Indian town Florida (Loucky & Moors, 2000, pg. 157). Even though a large fraction of Mayans still farm, some of them are involved in industrial settings. In the US, factory life is a staple in Mayan society. The presence of Mayans in the workforce is prevalent in many areas. Farm labor, leadership roles, and industrial work ar...
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