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Religion & Theology
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Jewish literracy Religion & Theology Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Write a 2 page paper using APA form. Make sure your topic and thesis is clear and concise. Use 1 outside source along with the source I gave you.

The whole article revolves around two topics, the first one is "Moab" and the second one is "Moses burial place".

I'll give you the sources about Moab, but you need to look up some documents to explain about Moses burial place from JEWISH LITERACY.

The full text does not need your own point of view, please write according to the point of view given by Sources.

If you still have questions, please asking me. Thanks!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analyzing Jewish Literacy
There has been confusion on where Moses burial place stands, unlike many other elite individuals of history, Moses burial place is rocked with confusion as some give facts of his burial place and others refute the facts and hence the confusion. The Bible in Deuteronomy 34 is one of the major sources of facts about Mosses burial. However the reading the narrative does not make it clear as it also gives counts of three different sources and three traditions of Mosses burial place; on a mountain, in a valley and no one knows. Among the Jewish who rely so much on written facts especially by the apostles, Deuteronomy makes the topic more challenging as it offers no straight answer yet the apostles written facts are one of their main sources of information. This easy is going to look at the three traditions in Deuteronomy based on Moab and Mosses burial place.
According to Olson, (2005) in Deuteronomy (34:6), no one knows where Moses was buried. It is noted that there was confusion finding his burial place as it seems individual knew when he died, but at the same time, he was buried at several places. The story of the Roman emperor provides evidence that no one knew of his burial place. The emperor sent an army to see where he was buried, and on reaching there when they stood below it, they saw the burial place above them and ongoing above the burial place was seen below. On splitting into two, one below and the other above, those below saw it when they looked above,...
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