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Muslim Rumi and the Divine Spirituality on His Poetry

Essay Instructions:

Research the Muslim Poet, Rumi. Who was he? Why is he important? Then look up 2 poems that he wrote. Discuss what they mean, the metaphors he uses and what they say about God/Allah, faith, spirituality, life etc...Try to utilize your textbook to describe the Islamic themes that you notice in the poem. For example "Submission to Allah".

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Rumi’s Poetry
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Rumi’s poetry
Rumi is recognized as the most significant Muslim poet who ever lived. He was born in the 13th century in a small village called Vakshi which is located on present-day Tajikistan. The full name of the poet was Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi. Rumi was a descendant of a long line of scholars, poets, and great mystics. In his teens, his parents relocated to present Turkey to avoid the enemies’ invasions where Rumi became a scholar and a mystic. When he was at the age of 40 years, he met with his teacher who was named Shams who was also a mystic. They developed a close relationship such that Rumi’s son killed Shams in what was termed to as an honor killing. Rumi became so devastated that he started composing poem where he wrote over 40000 poems throughout his lifetime.
The reason why Rumi is considered so important is that his poems are unique and speak about divine spirituality. Rumi’s poetry and work have helped the spirituality of many people for more than 800 years (Gooch, 2017). His poems cover many topics from the quest to find God, love, and freedom. Rumi’s poem ‘The Masnavi’ is considered to be his greatest work ever. He composed many poems that even the greatest poet of the present day can allude from. An example of one of his most famous work is ‘Don`t Say Anything to God’ which compiles a collection of his doctrines and teachings. The poem seeks to emphasize on the power within the human beings that was given by God to man (Gooch, 2017). The poet has had a significant influence on...
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