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Term Loyalty Is Inspired By A Medieval Latin Word Legalitas

Essay Instructions:

What is the definition of this virtue?

What is the etymology of this virtue? Where did the word for this virtue come from? Is the

word itself rooted in Latin, Greek, French, German, etc.? What did the word mean originally in

its native tongue? Has the meaning changed?

Is there a photo, statue, drawing, artist’s conception, motto, symbol or song lyrics associated

with this virtue? Why is this particular photo, statue, etc., etc. associated with this particular

virtue? What does it mean?

Why is this virtue considered a virtue in the first place? Why would a person want to practice

this virtue? Are there some people/groups who may not consider it a virtue and why not?

Did the “Favorite Saint” whom you chose for this course practice this virtue? How so?

What is the opposite of this virtue? In other words, what is its “vice” if you will?

Why would it be beneficial if more college students practiced this virtue?

What are some methods/practices college students can use to deepen this virtue in their lives?

What would St. John’s University be like if everyone on campus practiced this virtue?

Why did you select this virtue and not some other virtue?

Somewhere in your PPT be sure to include two quotes (one from each of two of the three

textbooks required for this course) which are related to this virtue or its opposite (vice).

the virtue is loyalty,need to quote 2 sentences from the listing material.

Catechism of the Catholic Church. New York: Doubleday Publishing, 1995.

ISBN: 0-385-47967-0

Kreeft, Peter. Back to Virtue. Ignatius Press, 1992. ISBN: 978-1-68149-047-2.

Latkovic, Mark S. What's a Person to Do?: Everyday Decisions That Matter.

Huntington, IN.: Our Sunday Visitor, Oct 2, 2013. ISBN 978-1-61278-604-9

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According to Peter Kreeft, loyalty is an individual’s dedication, honesty, devotion and faithfulness to the nation or another individual (Kreeft, 1992). The concept was first introduced in the 16th century. Euthyphro, one of the early dialogues of Plato, is based on an ethical dilemma that made the world understand what loyalty is. The term “loyalty” is inspired by a Medieval Latin word “legalitas.” Its earliest Middle English form is leaute. In its native language, the word “loyalty” means taking a stand against what is wrong. Until now, the meaning of this word has not been changed; in fact, some extra words are now used to define this virtue in a better way.
This particular photo reveals that loyalty can strengthen relationships and is responsible ...
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