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The Jewish Question and a Jew's Response to Antisemitism

Essay Instructions:


The year is 1900 and your name is Johann S. Bach. You are the Program Director for Reichspublikradio (Imperial Public Radio), based in Berlin. Last month, IPR aired a special broadcast titled “The Jewish Question: What Is It and How Shall It Be Solved?” The entire broadcast consisted of someone reading a long and very nasty sermon about the “Jewish problem” in Germany, given years ago by the Kaiser’s former court preacher, Rev. Adolf Stoecker. The broadcast received favorable responses from some listeners and cries of outrage from others. Many Jews, in particular, wrote in to say that this was a grossly antisemitic program and they were deeply offended. You have therefore put together a special broadcast for this evening, titled “Jews Speak About the ‘Jewish Question’: A Response to Antisemitism.” You have put together a panel discussion with quite an interesting lineup of speakers. One of them is Rabbi Henri Berr: Rabbi Berr, spiritual leader of the Reform temple in Paris, is the great-grandson of Berr Isaac Berr, one of the leaders of the French Jewish community when Jews received French citizenship after the Revolution. His synagogue’s windows were smashed by anti-Dreyfus rioters only a few years ago, but Rabbi Berr firmly believes that the reaction to Dreyfus was merely a brief aberration, and that French “Israelites” are completely integrated into the French nation.

You have asked your panel to address the following questions:

1) What is the “Jewish Question,” and how do you explain its existence?

2) What is wrong about the ideas expressed in the earlier broadcast?

3) Please explain how you think the “Jewish Question” should be resolved, and why.

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The “Jewish Question” in 1900 and A Jews Response to Antisemitism
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The “Jewish Question” in 1900 and A Jews Response to Antisemitism
The Jewish question was an issue that featured in the political discourse and debates in the European region during the French revolution. The latter had given Jews full equity and citizenship, and this followed the removal of limitations such group has suffered in the divine of Christian monarchy rights. Allowing the Jews to come out of a liberation in the geographical sense appeared to be a political dignity and equality in rights. The Jews’ emancipation in France was a coincidence with protestants who endured in the past before becoming full citizens. However, the granting of citizenship marked a break with the persecution and prejudice in the Christian West. In the wake of the revolution in France, ideas from the declaration of rights of human beings and citizens spread across Europe, seeing Jew's emancipation in different countries.
In other countries like Germany, Jews desired civic and political emancipation. However, a German theologian, Bruno Bauer, elaborated on the compatibility of the Jewish religion with Christians' legal or political frameworks. He said that no one in Germany was politically free; hence not possible to free egoist Jews demanding special emancipation. As a German, one ought to work for political emancipation and humankind, for humanity's freeness feels a kind of oppression as a confirmation to rule. The Jews demanded the same status ...
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