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Widespread in Germany and Russia, and Throughout Europe

Essay Instructions:


The year is 1900 and your name is Johann S. Bach. You are the Program Director for Reichspublikradio (Imperial Public Radio), based in Berlin. Last month, IPR aired a special broadcast titled “The Jewish Question: What Is It and How Shall It Be Solved?” The entire broadcast consisted of someone reading a long and very nasty sermon about the “Jewish problem” in Germany, given years ago by the Kaiser’s former court preacher, Rev. Adolf Stoecker. The broadcast received favorable responses from some listeners and cries of outrage from others. Many Jews, in particular, wrote in to say that this was a grossly antisemitic program and they were deeply offended. You have therefore put together a special broadcast for this evening, titled “Jews Speak About the ‘Jewish Question’: A Response to Antisemitism.” You have put together a panel discussion with quite an interesting lineup of speakers. One of them is ) Ms. Miriam Alterman:  Ms. Alterman is one of the few women studying at the University of Berlin.  Her parents lived in the city of Zhitomir in the Pale of Settlement, and took advantage of the liberal policies of Tsar Alexander II to send their son to university in Kiev.  There he became a political radical, and unfortunately, was arrested and sent to Siberia, and no one has heard from him in years.  However, he inspired his sister to follow in his path, and she became an organizer for the Yidishe Arbeter Bund (Jewish Workers’ Association), which advocates for Yiddish-language culture and Jewish national rights in a multinational social democratic Russia.  She loves the cause for which she is fighting, but the secret police were after her as well, so she left Russia and came to Berlin, where she is studying history and philosophy.  She writes columns for an illegal Bundist newspaper that is smuggled back into Russia.

You have asked your speaker to address the following questions:

1) What is the “Jewish Question,” and how do you explain its existence?

2) What is wrong about the ideas expressed in the earlier broadcast?

3) Please explain how you think the “Jewish Question” should be resolved, and why.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Widespread in Germany and Russia, and Throughout Europe
Context: 1900; Radio Broadcast entitled Jews Speak About the ‘Jewish Question’: A Response to Antisemitism.
1 What is the “Jewish Question,” and how do you explain its existence?
Thank you for the beautiful question, Mr. Bach. Actually, I had heard this concept a lot of times when I studied at the University of Berlin and during my time organizing the Yidishe Arbeter Bund (Jewish Workers’ Association). Generally, I believe that this refers to how Europeans would view Jews, like us, in various aspects of life, such as our civil, political, and economic rights. Let me give a more profound background about this question for our listeners to understand our sentiments as Jews.
One of the things that I have learned during my days in college was that this question has become widespread in Germany and Russia, and throughout Europe. It started when the concept of nation-states emerged, thereby consolidating the idea of a nation as a group of people bound within a specific territory. However, as you and our audience might already know, we Jews were displaced from the Roman Empire during the Dark Ages for an extended period. Until the 1900s, we had to settle in various lands occupied like the Russian Empire. I myself even lived in the Pale of Settlement, which is designated as a temporary site of habitation for us.
Burdened with the lack of territory that we may claim as ‘ours,’ the increasing consolidation of nation-states, and even labor that is bound to ourselves, nationality, and culture, we tend to become the object of discrimination by others CITATION Gor11 \l 1033 (Gordon, 1911). Some believe that we are taking their jobs and making the economy worse for them, which ...
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