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The Jewish Problem is a Xenophobic Term

Essay Instructions:


The year is 1900 and your name is Johann S. Bach. You are the Program Director for Reichspublikradio (Imperial Public Radio), based in Berlin. Last month, IPR aired a special broadcast titled “The Jewish Question: What Is It and How Shall It Be Solved?” The entire broadcast consisted of someone reading a long and very nasty sermon about the “Jewish problem” in Germany, given years ago by the Kaiser’s former court preacher, Rev. Adolf Stoecker. The broadcast received favorable responses from some listeners and cries of outrage from others. Many Jews, in particular, wrote in to say that this was a grossly antisemitic program and they were deeply offended. You have therefore put together a special broadcast for this evening, titled “Jews Speak About the ‘Jewish Question’: A Response to Antisemitism.” You have put together a panel discussion with quite an interesting lineup of speakers. One of them is Rabbi Hans Oppenheimer, M.D.:  Rabbi Oppenheimer is a leading member of the Positive-Historical stream of Judaism and rabbi of a small synagogue in Berlin.  However, he earns his living as a physician and has quite an excellent reputation in medical circles.  He is regularly called upon by the police and the courts to offer expert testimony as to cause of death.  They know, however, that he will not participate in any trial that meets on Saturdays, because that is his Sabbath. 

You have asked your speaker to address the following questions:

1) What is the “Jewish Question,” and how do you explain its existence?

2) What is wrong about the ideas expressed in the earlier broadcast?

3) Please explain how you think the “Jewish Question” should be resolved, and why.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Jewish Problem is a Xenophobic Term
The Jewish problem is a xenophobic term rooted in racial profiling and alienating Jews in Europe. The phrase ‘Jewish Question’ came about when the French emancipated Jews and accorded them full equality and citizenship rights. In 1843, the German theologian and philosopher Bruno Bauer published Die Judenfrage (The Jewish Question), seeking to examine the compatibility of Jewish religion and the legal framework of Christian states CITATION Cha161 \l 1033 (Johann, 2016). This opened a can of worms, with many people seeking to answer this rhetorical and unimportant question. Over the decades, the question has taken center stage in our political landscape. The Jewish question has evolved in those decades, and today it is synonymous with antisemitism. It is no longer a question of cultural, spiritual, and political integration, but it has also become a racial problem. Some people are seeking to preserve the racial purity of the indigenous western people. As the term evolves, it poses a more significant threat to the peaceful coexistence of European Jews with indigenous Europeans. It is no longer a question of examination into how Jewish people can coexist harmoniously with Christians but racially motivated xenophobia against the Jews.
What is wrong about the ideas expressed in the earlier broadcast?
The views expressed in the broadcast are not only wrong but also a danger to the harmony of the people. Such words are dangerous and risk violence and disruption of social order. Our society does not yet understand the implications of alienating some part of its population, and leaders fueling hatred agains...
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