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Prepare the Research Assignment Investigating Buddhism

Essay Instructions:

In 1,100 words, do the following:
Describe the four sights that the young Siddhartha Guatama experienced upon leaving the palace. Reflect on the significance of each of the four sights.
Why do you think these sights caused him to begin to seek religious answers?
Do you think such reflection is meaningful for spiritual growth? Explain.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Investigating Buddhism
The four sights and their significance
The four sightings refer to the four encounters that Buddha Gautama encountered in his search for the realization of the ultimate satisfaction. Siddhartha Gautama’s father, Suddhodana was the king. When Gautama was born, a prediction pointed that he would become either a great king or a Buddha. Flanagan (2003) states that according to the Hindu tradition at that time, those who wanted to become Holy men or sages would renounce their lives, and abandon their families and go to live in the forest where they would spend their lives in spiritual practices such as meditation and study. His father, however, wanted him to be a great king and continue with the family business. As a result, the father structured the son’s life such that he would not face any hardships in life. Gautama was given all the luxuries and privileges so that he would never know that people go through suffering.
However, despite the privileges, Gautama was dissatisfied, and he decided to leave the palace with his charioteer Channa and experience life outside. As the chariot moved along, he observed the four sites. First, he saw an aged person who was suffering the effects of old age (Keller, 2012). The old man was struggling on the ground with pain because of the age. Gautama realized that aging has consequences and that it happens to all human beings. He realized that he would grow and become old if he lives long enough.
Secondly, he saw a sick person, and he was surprised because he had never seen a sick person before (Keller, 2012). When he enquired about the person, Channa told him that the individual was suffering from a disease. He was surprised to know that every person is subject to disease and that no one can stay healthy all the time. At one point, all people must suffer pain from disease.
On the third view, the prince encountered a corpse carried to be cremated (Keller, 2012). The relatives were weeping as they moved the dead body. When he asked concerning the sight, Channa told him that the corpse was once a living person. Gautama got surprised to know that every person is subject to death despite all the achievements in life. He now understood that he was not immune to death despite his high status. At the end of the day, he would have to face death despite his achievements.
The three sights brought him into the reality of life because his father had kept him hidden from them. He became aware of the commonness of suffering in the world and that he cannot escape old age, sickness and ultimately death. Despite all the high status he had as the king’s son, he could not escape from all these realities. He now could not understand the purpose of living since he will too face the same pains. Life was full of suffering and
The fourth one, however, changed him. He came across a holy man who had found peace despite the sufferings in the world (Keller, 2012). The sage passed the three sights with compassion and joy. Gautama was amazed that the sage had given his life to finding the reason why people suffer. He resolved to be like the holy man w...
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