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Books of The Times Many Universes in Stephen Hawking's Grand Design

Essay Instructions:

Go to the top of the "Course Content" page, click on "Recent Press Articles of Interest." Read the article "Books of The Times - Many Universes in Stephen Hawking's Grand Design." In order to demonstrate your mastery and understanding of the concepts explored so far in the course: a) Do not pay attention to the information about the best-selling characteristics of the book and take as a departure point its main arguments that consist in explaining why God or Gods is (are) not necessary to imagine the beginning of the universe(s). b) Discuss that claim in relation to the existence of a great many (as many as there are religions) religious myths of creation of the world. Adopt the perspective of an anthropologist (who would be using any of the theoretical framework we have briefly discussed) when explaining the need of human beings to use religions to explain how the world became what it is, and where it comes from.

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The Grand Design
Course title:
There are many theories and schools of thought as to how the universe came to be. The two common ones are the evolution theory that draws its basis from science and the creation theory that draws its reasoning from religion. Stephen Hawking, the author of The Grand Design, has in one of his articles indicated that the existence of a supreme being is not necessarily at the center of the universe. Hawking has completely disputed the creation theory and even alluded to the possibility that there is no God or gods (Hawkings, 2010). This paper has taken a critical look at some of the standpoints taken by Stephen. Part of the discussion has explored the authenticity of the claims made by him and whether they have any basis upon which they thrive.
Existence of the Universe
Hawking admits that at one point, the universe did not exist. He also admits that existence came about as result of creation, yet he vehemently disputes the existence of supernatural powers. His argument is that the universe came to be as result of physical law which is best explained by science. Despite his claims being controversial, there are certain key issues that he raises. Hawking has explored areas that ordinary other authors would shy off from exploring.
One of the patient questions that Hawking asks is what was happening before the universe came to be? If indeed the universe was created by God, why did the creation of universe not take place earlier than it did? What could have God or the gods been doing that led to the delay of the creation of universe. Religion, which is in support of the theory of creation, has been seen to be conservative in offering logical explanations of how the universe actually existed. The accounts of creation given by religious teachings have been done with a lot of finality leaving little room for questions. This leaves many questions unanswered and hence punching holes on the theory of creation.
Immanuel Kant a philosopher also had a problem agreeing with the theory of creation. According to Kant, there are a lot inconsistencies presented by the creation theory which makes it evident that there is perhaps a more logical explanation as to the origin of universe (Davies, 2013). For instance, Kant wonders why the universe waited for infinity before it could actually exist. Although Kant came up with explanations as to...
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