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Religion & Theology
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Religion & Theology: The Concept of Human Being in Islam

Essay Instructions:

Essay about the concept of Human being in Islam.
Essay can include :
- The Human being’s Nature
- Muslim View of Fitrah
- Man from the view point of Islam
- General and Positive characteristics of the Human Being
- Some Negative Characteristics of the Human Being
- Muslims scholars, group mankind generally into three categories

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Concept of Human Being in Islam
The Concept of Human Being in Islam
Like most other religious groups, Islam also fascinated with the aspect of the human being. It is important to note that this not just confined to faith based believes. Humans have always been fascinated with the origin. This is a creature that has been at the center of countless researches and with thousands of years in the research. All of which is directed at trying to better understand the human being, why he is the way he is relative to the features and characteristics. With reference the religious approach there is a much deeper approach to understanding human beings. Islam, for example, takes a rather elaborate approach towards the concept of human being, to help people understand better about man (Nusseibeh, 2016).
The Islamic faith approaches the aspect of human beings with the influences that Tarbiyah has on the understanding of a human. In the view of Islam, to understand a human being one has to go back to when it all started, creation. According to the Quran man was created from clay and then his progeny was created from worthless fluid. When God created man, he created two different species, that is the physical man and the Jinn. The physical body of the human being was created with clay, while the jinn was created with fire.The creation of man is linked to Adam and Eve, who were counterparts and the first humans to ever roam the earth. It was after they were tricked into eating the forbidden fruit that they were cast out of the garden (Baianonie, 2016). Reading through the creation processes as presented in the Quran, it is easy to find resemblance in the story compared to the Judeo-Christian theory. However, in the Islam faith angles did object to the creation of man. However, they lost the debate and man was created and then given massive information about the earth that he lived in and given power over all that was in it. According to the Quran man is one of the finest creatures to ever walk the earth (Baianonie, 2016). This is relative to the fact that; he was given massive knowledge about the earth; information that was entrusted to him by the creator. This also points to the fact that man has a special place in the creator’s kingdom (Nusseibeh, 2016). God had been living with angles before man was created. However, he was entrusted with vital information about the rest of the creations and further given the power to rule over them.
Unlike anyother creature on the earth, man was given much freedom towards what he believed in. man is a free creature that can make its own choices devoid of thebelief in religion and even believe in God. Unlike the angles that are intrinsically obedient to God, man was offered the freedom to choose what it is that they wanted to do. As such, man is inclined to error relative to the choices that he makes towards himself, others and even God (Nusseibeh, 2016). As such, the element of sin is rather intrinsic and can easily be related to the fact that, man makes decisions based on what they know or understand along with what they feel. Given that man is by nature fallible and even faltering, Islam points to man also being prone to ignorance despite the fact that he has a lofty position in the universe. At the same time, Islam considers man to have the ability to be oppressive relative to the amount of power that he has over all that is on the earth. From the freedom that man has been endowed with and the power that he has, man is therefore constantly avoiding pride. This means that man’s most common sin is pride and thus will from time to time chose to disobey God out of this sin (Baianonie, 2016).
It is important to note that the true element behind God giving man all the information about the creation is so that man is able to appreciate all that God has created and worship him; this is the approach that is given by the Islamic faith. This further points to the role that knowledge has in the understanding about man. As such, Islam believes that man is not given the knowledge about earth for his on good only, rather, the subtlest element behind the knowledge ties to worshiping the creator with an appreciation and humility for his strength and brilliance. This further points to the fact th...
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