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Describe Chinese Society: Chinese Popular Religion

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay of 1,000-1,250 words that analyzes key issues in Chinese Popular Religion by addressing the following:
Briefly summarize key features of Chinese Popular Religion.
Describe key religious practices for an adherent of Chinese Popular Religion.
Describe the role of traditional Chinese religion in contemporary Chinese society. 
Describe how the growth of Christianity and other religions have impacted contemporary Chinese society. 
Through an understanding of Chinese popular religions, offer an example of how you think Christians might enhance their interactions within Chinese society.

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Chinese popular religion essay
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Chinese popular religion essay
Chinese popular religion refers to the complex interaction of diverse religious and philosophical traditions that have with time influenced the followers (Philtar, 2016). It has no specific doctrines like other religions like Christianity and Islam as it is composed of different religious practices. The various religions bring their own unique practices hence the final result is a religion which lacks its own specific doctrines. There are, however, certain features that are widespread in the popular religion. It is not an organized system with an integrated system of beliefs. Due to the different religions and philosophies that compose it, it does not have any form of organization like other major religions of the world. It does not have leadership, or a founder and it lacks denominations or headquarters. All the levels of the Chinese popular religion have a belief in heaven where their members go after death. The Chinese belief in many deities majority of whom were human beings who lived virtuous lives hence they were deified.
Many of the common Chinese religions practices are ancient. ReligionFacts.com 2015 identifies four practices which are critical for the members. The first one is ancestor worship (veneration). They believe that those family members who have died continue to exist and are interested in the affairs of the living. Under normal circumstances, when a person dies the “hun” soul goes to heaven while the “yin” soul stays with the body here on earth. Depending on the local belief, one of the souls can become a ghost. The ancestors are believed to have the ability to influence the future of the people hence the need to appease them for a good fortune. Secondly, prayer is incorporated into daily rituals in particular by the Chinese Buddhism and Taoism and is accompanied by the members giving offerings. The prayers are said three times a day when a bell sounds; in the morning, noon time and at night. Thirdly, the followers practice longevity practices that aim to gain a longer life and even immortality. The individuals go to select schools where they learn the techniques of attaining a longer life. Lastly, divination, astrology, and prophecy are practiced extensively. The three allow individuals to visit those who tell about the future so that they can know about their fortune.
The presence of the traditional Chinese religion in the Chinese society today indicates that religion was never destroyed completely. Despite the fact that the traditional Chinese is ancient, it has a full application in the modern society. Traditional Chinese religion has been responsible for the maintenance of unity in the region for many years. In the contemporary society, it has helped in maintaining the same unity for the state. People in China identify with one another due to the adherence to the religion. Also, the traditional Chinese serves to diffuse values to the young generation. In a society where the young people are deviating from the norm and following m...
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