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Gospel Essentials and the Implications for the Christian Worldview

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of the Christian worldview, including the main topics you have covered up to this point. You will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the gospel (nature of God, nature of humanity, nature of Jesus, and restoration) and reflect on implications for the Christian worldview.

Write a 1,500-2,000-word essay using at least four resources. The four resources need to include at least two course resources (textbook, topic overviews, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one resource regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.

Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper. Present the gospel essentials (nature of God, nature of humanity, nature of Jesus, and restoration), the Christian foundation, and an analysis of the implications of the Christian worldview.

Use the "Gospel Essentials Essay Template." Based on the Christian worldview, write at least one paragraph for each of the following components.

Nature of God: What is the triune God like? What are God's characteristics? What is his creation?

Nature of Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems?

Nature of Jesus: What is Jesus's true identity? What was Jesus's kingdom purpose? Why is Jesus's identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?

Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace, faith, and repentance play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happen?

Christian Foundation: Summarize how the concepts of the gospel essentials (nature of God, nature of humanity, nature of Jesus, and restoration) constitute the foundation of the Christian worldview. In other words, how are these concepts essential to the Christian worldview?

Analysis of the Implications of the Christian Worldview: Based on the previous five prompts, analyze the implications of the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions:

What are the benefits or strengths of the Christian worldview as it relates to human value and dignity?

Compare the Christian concept of salvation in contrast to any other worldview perspective.

How does the Christian worldview influence a person's thinking and behavior?

What do people find troublesome or confusing about Christianity and why?

Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.


Use at least four required resources to support your claims: at least two course resources (textbook, topic overviews, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Review the APA Template for formatting and utilize the attached "Gospel Essentials Template" to complete the benchmark assignment.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following mission critical competencies:

MC1: Critical Thinking

MC2: Effective Communication

MC3: Christian Worldview Knowledge

General Education Program Information

This assignment assesses the following general education competencies:

Christian Worldview

GED5C1: Examine the ideological foundation of the Christian worldview.

GED5C2: Analyze the implications of the Christian worldview as it relates to human value and dignity.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Benchmark—Gospel Essentials
Student A. Sample
College Name, Grand Canyon University
Course Number: Course Title
Instructor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Benchmark—Gospel Essentials
The Christian worldview provides a framework for comprehending the character of God, humankind, Jesus, and restoration, which is based on the fundamentals of the gospel. It significantly affects how Christians live and engage with the outside world. The Christian worldview is fundamentally based on what God is like. Christians hold that God is an all-knowing, all-powerful, and omnipresent creator who is also loving and just. The Bible declares that God is holy, just, and flawless in every way. According to Christians, the three individuals that make up the triune God are the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
The fundamentals of the gospel, such as the character of God, the character of humanity, the character of Jesus, and restoration, serve as the foundation for the Christian worldview. These factors offer a framework for comprehending the world and one's role within it, and they have significant consequences for how Christians live their lives and relate to others.
Gospel Essential Beliefs
Nature of God
According to Christian doctrine, only one God manifests Himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is only one God, but each human is totally God. The Holy Spirit is God's presence and power in the world, working to lead and empower believers. The Father is the creator and sustainer of all things, the Son is God manifested as a human being who came to earth to atone for humanity, and the Holy Spirit manifests God in the universe. The Bible uses many metaphors to depict God's attributes, but some of the more frequent ones are that he is holy, just, loving, merciful, and faithful. He exists outside of time and space and is unlimited, eternal, and unchangeable. God is all-knowing and all-powerful, and his influence permeates the entire cosmos. All truth, kindness, and beauty come from him; all that exists is a result of him. (The Nature of God - The Nature of God - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - WJEC, n.d.).
The entire universe, which God created via the power of his word, is included in his creation. He imprinted his likeness on the sky, the earth, all living things, and people. God praised the goodness of his creation and charged people with caring for and cultivating the planet. God's creation still represents his goodness and power, and he continues to preserve everything by his power even after sin entered the earth.
Nature of Humanity
The Christian worldview holds that human nature is inherently valuable and honorable because it was made in God's likeness. Humans have been entrusted with caring for and becoming stewards of God's creation since they are capable of rational intellect, moral reasoning, and spiritual awareness.
However, because of sin, humanity is also flawed and fallen, with a propensity for selfishness, disobedience, and moral lapse (4. The Nature of God, 2004). The goal of humanity is to exalt God and enjoy him forever. This entails relating to God and others, using our resources and skills to serve God and care for individuals in our immediate vicinity. Every person, according to Christians, has a unique calling and purpose that they can find and realize if they seek God's direction and heed his prompting. Original sin refers to this idea. Genesis 1:27 says, "So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." this means that although we are sinners, we still are worthy of God's love because we came from him (Roughley, 2021).
The Christian worldview holds that sin is the foundation of all human problems. Humanity's disobedience and rebellion against God's commands culminate in sin, which causes a rift in our relationships with him, other people, and nature. Physical and spiritual death, estrangement from God, and a skewed perception of oneself, others, and the world are all effects of sin. Despite their greatest efforts, humanity cannot defeat sin alone and needs a savior to deliver them from its grip and consequences. (Ambrosino, 2019).
Nature of Jesus
Jesus is the Son of God, who took on human form and lived among us. This is who he is. Jesus' mission in the kingdom was to announce the coming of the kingdom of God and to show it to be confirmed through his words and deeds. Jesus demonstrated compassion for individuals who were ostracized, oppressed, or rejected by society while preaching about God's love, forgiveness, and justice. He also worked several miracles that showed his control over nature, illness, and even death (Christology - The Reformation, n.d.).
Jesus' life and work tremendously impact how Christians view the world. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus offer a way for people to make peace with God and have eternal life. Christians hold that by placing their faith in Jesus; they can have their sins forgiven and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, who allows them to live a life that pleases God and helps others. Jesus' example of humility, selflessness, and sacrifice guides Christians on how they should live, love, and serve in the world. Christians anticipate Jesus's return as the complet...
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