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Chapel Messages for a High School Sports Team

Essay Instructions:



Prepare 3 chapel messages for a high school boys or girls sports team.


Each message must be a minimum of 2 pages. The assignment is a total of 6 pages. Include self-reflection. Scholarly references will support your reflection. Current APA formatting is required, which must include a title page and reference page.

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Christian Chapel Message Assignment
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Christian Chapel Message Assignment for High School Boys or Girls Sports Team
Chapel Message 1: Embracing Failure and Learning from Mistakes
Good morning/afternoon. Today, I want to talk to you about failure, a subject that touches on everything we experience in life and from which we can never escape. Failure is not something to be frightened of or ashamed of. We should welcome it, take lessons from it, and use it as a springboard for our achievement.
Whether it be in the areas of academics, athletics, or personal life, high school presents many hurdles. Although we all experience failure at times, we also have successes. How we respond to such failures makes us who we are as people. As a person who has encountered her fair share of failures, I can attest to the difficulty of embracing them, particularly when you feel you have let yourself or your team down. I understand that failure is not the end but the start of a new chapter in our life.
I want to begin by quoting Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players ever. He states that in his professional career, he has missed over 9000 shots, lost approximately 300 games, and has had 26 opportunities to make the game-winning shot and failed. He says that he has repeatedly failed in his life, which is what makes him successful (Rampton, 2020). Jordan's message is clear: Failure is essential to success. To succeed, you must accept failure as a necessary step to greatness.
According to Proverbs 24:16, the wicked stumble when catastrophe strikes, but the righteous stumble once in seven falls before rising again. This verse tells us that although we will stumble, it is more important that we get back up. We must keep moving forward, improve ourselves, and learn from our mistakes. Peter, one of Jesus' disciples, is among the most notable figures in the Bible for embracing failure. Even though Peter made mistakes—he denied Jesus three times—he refused to let them define who he was. He accepted his failure, grew from it, and used it to improve himself.
Peter assures us in 1 Peter 5:10 that “once you have suffered, the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will personally restore you and make you strong, firm, and unwavering.” Despite our failures, this verse demonstrates that God will always help us rise again.
Numerous examples of people have accepted failure and used it as a stepping stone to achievement in their daily lives. Consider Thomas Edison, who attempted to create the light bulb over a thousand times but failed. "I have not failed," he responded when asked about his failures. "I have just discovered 10,000 ineffective methods" (FastCompany, 2022). This phrase is a gentle reminder that failure is not something to be embarrassed or afraid of but rather a chance to grow, learn, and become a better version of oneself.
Hence, what can we infer from these examples? First, we can discover that failing is a regular aspect of life. Everyone makes errors because nobody is flawless. Second, we can discover that failure can be overcome by learning from our mistakes and using them as opportunities to advance. Eventually, we find out the importance of perseverance. We will never succeed if we give up when we experience failure. Moreover, God works for the good of “those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose,” as stated in Romans 8:28. This verse reminds us that even when we falter, God is still working for our best interests.
So let us accept our mistakes, grow from them, and believe in God's plan. If we practice this, we can accomplish everything we set our minds to.
Chapel Message 2: Embracing Diversity
The second message is about diversity, a topic that is getting more and more attention in our modern world. Our world diversifies daily, and we must learn to welcome and celebrate that diversity. Today, we will discuss the value of accepting differences and what it implies for a person and a group.
The term "diversity" describes the variations among people, including those related to racial or ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, and other factors. Diversity involves not only recognizing these differences but also honoring and enjoying them.
Let us now examine a few biblical examples. Galatians 3:28, one of the most popular texts about diversity, states that: "because you are all one in Christ Jesus, there is no longer any distinction between Jews and Gentiles, enslaved people and free people, or between men and women." Despite our differences, this verse reminds us that we are all created equal in God's eyes. Jesus also teaches us to love and care for others who may be different from us in the parable of the Good Samaritan, which is another illustration.
Let us now examine a few instances from everyday life. Jesse Owens, an African American track and field athlete who competed in the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany, is the first example. Even though he dealt with racism and discrimination, Owens won four gold medals and inspired many people worldwide (Maraniss, 2020).
The sports industry is another illustration. Players from various backgrounds and experiences frequently make...
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