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Descartes’ Third Meditation and Proof of the Existence of God

Essay Instructions:

For example, Proposition11, Spinoza provides different proofs, which are his theories to prove his point of view. What you need to do is to analyze his arguments (that is, the proofs) and see whether the conclusions can be reached according to the logic he gives. If it makes sense, explain it, and if it doesn't, explain why. Do not do research for this essay, just follow the instructions and give your own ideas

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Existence of God
Existence of God
The conversation on the existence of God has been there since way back; scientists have given proof that everything that exists is due to science and nature. However, those who believe in religion always think that there is a supernatural being that exists who made many creations. Many philosophers have come forward to help solve the mystery, but we always have so many questions unanswered at the end. However, in this paper, we will discuss Descartes’s theory of the existence of God. In this case, we will concentrate on the second proof of the presence of God, which we find in the third meditation. We will evaluate Descartes’s argument, and we will conclude whether the views follow the premises or not.
Descartes’ Third Meditation
In the Third Meditation, Descartes believes that God does exist. Secondly, he is the reason behind the meditator’s essence in that he has a purpose for the existence of the mediator. And thirdly, God is the reason for the meditator’s existence which implies that God keeps the meditator in existence for as long as he lives (Nolan, 2021). Descartes’s main objective is to show that the proofs he explains reflect that everything that occurs on this earth is because of God. The reasoning behind the third meditation is cosmological proofs, proof that God is not a deceiver, and, thirdly, eliminating the notion of the evil deceiver in the first meditation. In addition, the third meditation borrows quite a few things from the first and the fifth meditation, which will be involved in the discussion. 
Additionally, Descartes categorizes thoughts into three, which are will, passion, and judgment. But from the three, only judgment can help us distinguish our thoughts on something or someone as the object exists outside. Hence, one can only judge thoughts, actions, things, or people depending on their perception of the idea. Therefore, evaluating these proofs will help us come with premises of whether they are valid or not.
Descartes’ Second Proof of the Existence of God
Using the examination of objective and formal reality, Descartes’ second demonstration of God’s existence hinges on the knowledge that only God could have generated the notion of God. He asks himself in this proof if he can exist with the concept of God if there is no God. He holds both the idea of God and the idea of himself based on the examination of objective and formal reality. This argument claims that God is not simply the notion of God but also the cause of Descartes’ idea of God. However, his answer is incorrect since, in the second demonstration, he only establishes that God may have formed the notion of God he has, which should be rejected because Descartes cannot prove that God caused Descartes the first proof. These shortcomings highlight the necessity to comprehend the relationship required between Descartes’ concept of God and himself.
This insight is required to determine that if Descartes knows that God produced the concept of God that he holds, he will also know that God caused the notion of himself as a thinking object....
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