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Religion & Theology
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The Moral of a Person of Religion Engaged in Political Matters

Essay Instructions:

Topics: Can one be a good citizen of his country and a good moral person of religious faith living in this twenty-first century? In other words, can one be a person of religion and be engaged in political matters and still be a good moral person? Defend your answer with a good comprehensive response. In your response use a person to illustrate your answer.
1 This is mostly a reflection paper, so there is little or no need for outside sources.You are reflecting on these questions, considering what we have studied so far( The files I uploaded) and/or your own educational background and experience.
2. If you use a source and quote from a source, you must document that source by adding a short bibliography, where you give all the information on your source. Bibliography should be page 
3. Paper must be single spaced, 12 point, Times Roman font, and one-inch margins.
4. Correct spelling, good sentence structure, comprehension, coherency a good critical thinking

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Can one be a person of religion and be engaged in political matters and still be a good moral person?
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The relationship between morality, religion, and politics is complex. In the contemporary world, religion is used as the custodian of morality and brings political reconciliations. Politics is often related to unethical behavior like empty promises, corruption, and disrespect of the law. This causes confusion and dilemma in the face of the ordinary person when a religious person joins politics. The tension between morality and religion is evident in Greek philosophers like Plato, who argued that the two are not related. They assumed that norms that govern morality, conduct, and ethics are separate from religious belief matters. However, contemporary society treats religion as the basis for good morals that guide the rest of the world on morality and good conduct. However, a religious person can join politics and maintain high morality standards despite politics with rotten morals. Morality is a personal choice that is only enhanced through religious teaching.
A person chooses to behave morally not because they belong to a particular religion. In most cases, faith gives a guideline to people on how they should behave but does not force them to behave in that way. For example, religion does not entertain corruption, yet some leaders, including political leaders as corrupt despite subscribing to various religions globally. An Islam will engage in corruption but still appear to be upholding Islamic religious teachings. This means that religion does not coerce people to behave ethically and that people choose whether to be morally upright or not (Hadžić, 2021). Therefore, a person practicing religion can join politics and maintain good morals because it is a voluntary choice.
Religions have been on the frontline calling for political morality b...
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