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Concepts Related to the Hallmarks of a Christian Worldview

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Reflective Journal 3

Instructions: Please address thoroughly.

Reflect upon in light of the David Dockery reading (Christian Worldview Handbook), those from Ryken (Christian Worldview A Student's Guide), and the Dockery & Wax texts (https://gospelproject(dot)lifeway(dot)com/the-importance-of-a-christian-worldview/) write a 500-word journal entry focusing on the ideas or concepts related to the hallmarks of a Christian Worldview that you might be grappling with personally, professionally, or philosophically with and how you might proactively reconcile these tensions. Be sure to cite specifics from the readings in proper APA format. Your journal entry should be approximately 500 words. Referenced materials should be properly cited within and at the end of your journal entry.

Note: my hallmarks and what I grapple with personally are, why do non-believers think Christians are fake and as believers why do we not follow the Word of God daily in our life? Professionally, I can't openly share my faith like non-believers share their ungodly lifestyles.

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Reflective Journal 3 Essay
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Since the onset of Christian history, Christians have used the Bible as the source guiding their worldview. However, corporate and individual practices have shaped the rich Christian history. The Bible has been used in various ways, including as a text for teaching and preaching, as the primary source of theological formulations, as wellsprings to design Christian liturgy, as guide praise and worship, and as a source of information and worldview for believers, among other applications. In this essay, I will reflect on my struggles to understand why non-believers think Christians are fake and, as believers, why we do not follow the Word of God daily in our lives. Professionally, I'm unable to share my faith like non-believers share their ungodly lifestyles openly.
Non-believers are inclined to think that Christians are fake for specific reasons. Christians are increasingly immersed in their environment, thus failing to consider their actions' implications to the secular world. This is because everyone, including Christians, has a personal worldview, making it hard to follow the Bible in its entirety. Some worldviews are simply a combination of supernatural, natural, post-modern, pre-modern, and modern options. Since Christians live and work in increasingly secular communities characterized by morally indifferent cultures, they will likely struggle to maintain an authentic biblical worldview (The Gospel Project, 2021). Therefore, all believers need to embrace a holistic approach to the Christian worldview to offer the stability of thought and a unified, comprehensive insight into both spiritual matters as well as on the whole viewpoint.
According to Ryken (2013), the conflict of worldviews in the increasingly secularized community offers an impetus for the constant attack on the ideas and notions embraced by the followers of Christ. Christians rarely give careful thought to their cultural engagement and interactions within secular society. Many Ch...
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