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Using Punishment and Overcoming Fear

Essay Instructions:


● Compose an essay in current APA format using a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page.

● Answer both questions in each essay with a minimum of 250 words for each question.

● Answer the academic questions using the concepts from the required course materials and reading assignments for this class.

● Biblical perspective questions require the use of the Bible and concepts from the course textbook. Use at least two appropriate scriptures and fully explain the use of the specific scripture. Do not list a scripture or add it to the essay without explaining its use.

● Write in a formal college-level essay style. For this assignment, you may use first person.

● Do not include the essay questions in your submission.

● Include at least one in-text citation per each of the essay questions. A minimum of one scholarly source (either our textbook or a required reading) and the Bible must be included on the reference page.

● Do not include direct textbook quotes. Instead, paraphrase information from the textbook or required readings (using in-text citations).

● Bible quotes are allowed and required.

Essay Assignment: Control (Module 6)

1. Your friend has decided to use punishment as a means of training her new puppy. What are three things she must do to ensure that the aversive stimuli used will alter the pup’s behavior?

2. Explain learning to overcome fear from a Biblical perspective. Give an example of overcoming fear from your life. Use concepts from the textbook and at least two scriptures to
 your answer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Question 1
People commonly equate “punishment” with unpleasant things; however, punishment is a method of changing behavior. However, it is vital to remember that an appropriate punishment will effectively modify a behavior (Domjan, 2015). Hence, people must use the appropriate penalty, which will undoubtedly result in the best outcomes.
In the given situation, a pet owner needs to use punishment to train a new puppy. The owner must consider three factors to ensure that the aversive stimuli will modify the puppy’s behavior. Firstly, the owner needs to use the punishment consistently and timely (Domjan, 2015). The owner must use the punishment consistently every time the undesired behavior occurs. In addition, the owner needs to use the punishment timely. The owner needs to give the punishment right after the undesired behavior. If the owner uses the punishment consistently and timely, it will help the puppy to associate the behavior and the consequences. Hence, it is essential to use the punishment consistently and timely.
Second, the owner must employ a proper severity and length of punishment. The owner must remember that the negative stimuli must be strong enough to deter the puppy from repeating the undesirable behavior. However, the owner must remember that it must not be cruel or severe. Animals have feelings, just like humans, and they may be physically hurt. If the owner punishes the puppy too harshly, the dog may become terrified or worried, developing into aggressive behavior. As a result, it is essential to maintain balance and ensure that the punishment is still humane and sufficient to dissuade the undesirable behavior.
Finally, the owner must use positive reinforcement. Although punishment discourages undesirable actio...
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