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Unit 9 Discussion Exceptional needs Children

Essay Instructions:
PS340: Exceptional Needs Children Unit 9 Discussion Board Lecture Hi everyone and welcome to the Unit 9 lecture for Exceptional Needs Children. This lecture will cover Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and RTI in the school system. In Unit 9, you will delve into the three tiers of SWPBS, the procedures and interventions that are offered and each ascending tier will be examined. You will learn how students are placed into the various tiers, and you will examine many of the evidence-based social skills programs that you can incorporate into a PBS program. An SWPBS program is based off the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis; it’s a proactive and positive strategy designed to promote acceptable behavior expectations for all students within a school. And this establishes a safe school environment in which learning can take place. The components are a brief statement of purpose, clear expectations of student behaviors, procedures for teaching expected behaviors, a continuum of procedures for reinforcing expected behaviors and discouraging interfering behaviors, and also procedures for data collection and to assess the effectiveness of the program. It's important that we have a collaborative approach here. Teachers, administrators, and support staff must be involved. There must be a sense of ownership of the innovation and development for it to be successful. The shared vision is essential. School culture is critical and a crucial component in the successful implementation of school-wide positive behavior support. Teachers need to compare their current practices with the changing needs of the students on a continuous basis and constantly adjust or regenerate those practices. Without continuous regeneration, programs become stale. And sale programs are often cursorily acknowledged and half-heartedly implemented. With the response to intervention model, there are these three tiers. Tier 1 is the universal instruction. Tier 2 is targeted interventions, and Tier 3 is an individualized intervention approach. The five steps in tier 1, are: 1.) Develop five culturally responsive classroom rules. 2.) Develop positive reinforcement strategies aligned with the five roles. 3.) Consequence strategies, teaching rules, positive reinforcement, and consequences. 4.) Collecting data 5.) Using this data to make decisions At risk students can be identified through office referrals, teacher nomination, continuous progress monitoring, and universal screening. If students do not respond to Tier 1 interventions, then tier two will be implemented. Tier 2 interventions often include small group instruction, teacher mediated instruction, peer-mediated instruction, and some self-management strategies. Sometimes there are Behavior Education Programs and tier two, following daily check-ins or different social skill behaviors that are social skill programs and curriculum that will be implemented in the Tier 2 intervention. If students are not responsive to the tier 2 interventions, then tier 3 will be implemented. This provides an individualized intervention, intervention for students who have multifaceted behavior and emotional difficulties. Supports at this level may include one-on-one instruction or counseling. There will usually be a functional behavior assessment, often a behavior intervention plan, also. Wrap-around services are also offered at the Tier 3 level. These services are team-based interventions that provide necessary planning and implementation of care services for students with emotional and behavioral difficulties and their families. If students now respond to tier three interventions, special education services can be considered an effective SWPBS program has been associated with producing behavior problems, allowing teachers more time to engage in academic instruction and improving student teacher relationships. Thank you for viewing your Unit 9 lecture. This lecture will cover Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and RTI in the school system. In Unit 9, you will delve into the three tiers of SWPBS, the procedures and interventions that are offered and each ascending tier will be examined. You will learn how students are placed into the various tiers, and you will examine many of the evidence-based social skills programs that you can incorporate into a PBS program. An SWPBS program is based off the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis; it’s a proactive and positive strategy designed to promote acceptable behavior expectations for all students within a school. And this establishes a safe school environment in which learning can take place. The components are a brief statement of purpose, clear expectations of student behaviors, procedures for teaching expected behaviors, a continuum of procedures for reinforcing expected behaviors and discouraging interfering behaviors, and also procedures for data collection and to assess the effectiveness of the program. It's important that we have a collaborative approach here. Teachers, administrators, and support staff must be involved. There must be a sense of ownership of the innovation and development for it to be successful. The shared vision is essential. School culture is critical and a crucial component in the successful implementation of school-wide positive behavior support. Teachers need to compare their current practices with the changing needs of the students on a continuous basis and constantly adjust or regenerate those practices. Without continuous regeneration, programs become stale. And sale programs are often cursorily acknowledged and half-heartedly implemented. With the response to intervention model, there are these three tiers. Tier 1 is the universal instruction. Tier 2 is targeted interventions, and Tier 3 is an individualized intervention approach. The five steps in tier 1, are: 1.) Develop five culturally responsive classroom rules. 2.) Develop positive reinforcement strategies aligned with the five roles. 3.) Consequence strategies, teaching rules, positive reinforcement, and consequences. 4.) Collecting data 5.) Using this data to make decisions At risk students can be identified through office referrals, teacher nomination, continuous progress monitoring, and universal screening. If students do not respond to Tier 1 interventions, then tier two will be implemented. Tier 2 interventions often include small group instruction, teacher mediated instruction, peer-mediated instruction, and some self-management strategies. Sometimes there are Behavior education Programs and tier two, following daily check-ins or different social skill behaviors that are social skill programs and curriculum that will be implemented in the Tier 2 intervention. If students are not responsive to the tier 2 interventions, then tier 3 will be implemented. This provides an individualized intervention, intervention for students who have multifaceted behavior and emotional difficulties. Supports at this level may include one-on-one instruction or counseling. There will usually be a functional behavior assessment, often a behavior intervention plan, also. Wrap-around services are also offered at the Tier 3 level. These services are team-based interventions that provide necessary planning and implementation of care services for students with emotional and behavioral difficulties and their families. If students now respond to tier three interventions, special education services can be considered an effective SWPBS program has been associated with producing behavior problems, allowing teachers more time to engage in academic instruction and improving student teacher relationships. Thank you for viewing your Unit 9 lecture.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date A conducive environment which facilitates the learning efforts for all the students inclusive of those with special needs is a necessity for academic achievement as well as general well-being. PBIS and RTI are the two frameworks that aim to solve the problem with the behavior and instruction (Bastable et al., 2021). This essay is about the strategies for these frameworks and focuses on their implementation methods. PBIS is a behavior management system based on the principle of Applied Behavior Analysis and it is developed specifically for all students regardless of their gender, age, or grades within a school. It is built with three likely stages. Tier 1 of the plan begins with a preventative behavioral support system in the school itself, while Tiers 2 and 3 offer specifically targeted and intensive interventions for students requiring those (Hannigan & Hannigan, 2020). Collaboration among teachers, as well as administrators, and support staff, is vital for the success of PBIS, as it makes everyone sha...
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