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U-10 Assing Neuroscience

Essay Instructions:
ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Assignment Directions Assignment Details This assignment assesses the following Course Outcome: PS215-5: Relate principles of neural physiology to psychological behaviors. Memory and motor systems are foundational aspects of human behavior, and comprehending their neural basis is an important part of understanding psychological processes. In this assignment, you'll delve into motor control, involving brain regions like the cerebellum and basal ganglia, before exploring memory processes. Just as these systems coordinate physical actions, memory mechanisms facilitate recollection, aiding learning and decision-making through strengthened synaptic connections. The case of Henry Molaison demonstrates how brain disruptions affect declarative memory, offering a holistic view of the brain's influence on behavior and experiences. Using the Unit 10 Assignment Template, you will complete Part I and Part II by answering the following questions: Part I Explain the distinctions between memory consolidation and retrieval, describing their roles and the neural processes involved. Describe the role of the amygdala in memory formation. In the movie Groundhog Day, the character played by Bill Murray experiences the same day over and over again. One of the activities he practices each day is playing the piano. By the end of the movie, he is able to play piano expertly. Someone with anterograde amnesia could do the same, but unlike Bill Murray’s character, they would not remember ever practicing. Which type of memory remains intact following temporal lobe damage if declarative memory is gone? Describe retrograde amnesia. List the type of memory system that provides a temporary “register” for information while it is being used. Julie’s grandmother unfortunately had a stroke over the weekend. She took her to the doctor, and the doctor said to expect some declarative memory loss. What will Julie’s grandmother have problems with? List the name of the cellular and molecular process that underlies the strengthening of synaptic connections in the brain. It plays a vital role in learning and memory formation by increasing the efficacy of communication between neurons, and its persistence allows for the storage of information over extended periods. It involves the long-lasting enhancement of synaptic strength, meaning that the communication between two neurons (the presynaptic neuron, which sends the signal, and the postsynaptic neuron, which receives it) becomes more effective. Part II Discuss the fascinating phenomenon of phantom pain and its relationship with the brain Explain the neurological mechanisms underlying the experience of phantom pain, including the role of the brain in processing and generating these sensations. Next, List the areas of the brain involved in the motor system and their functions in performing movements (make sure to highlight key areas responsible for executing and coordinating movements). Compare and contrast the roles of the cerebellum and the basal ganglia in movement control which will provide valuable insights into these vital brain structures. Lastly, you will examine Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease to increase your understanding of brain function and dysfunction. Describe the etiology and symptoms of Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease. How do these diseases of the basal ganglia differ from one another? Assignment Details Your assignment should use the Unit 10 Assignment Template and should include the following elements: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs. Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice of the profession. Reference page: Sources listed in current APA format. Include a minimum of three scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions. Use current APA formatting and citation style.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Unit 10 Assignment Name: Respond to the following questions in paragraph form or fill in the blank. Part I Explain the distinctions between memory consolidation and retrieval, describing their roles and the neural processes involved. Memory consolidation is when newly obtained data is stabilized and modified into a lasting memory. It entails transferring information from short-term to long-term storage that can be retrieved later. Memory retrieval is responsible for stabilizing memories through mechanisms similar to those happening during offline and sleep consolidation periods (Antony et al., 2017). During memory consolidation, synaptic consolidation strengthens the synaptic connections between neurons. System consolidation encompasses the gradual rearrangement of neural circuits and memory transfer from the hippocampus to another cortical area in the brain for long-term storage. Memory consolidation is when newly obtained data is stabilized and modified into a lasting memory. It entails transferring information from short-term to long-term storage that can be retrieved later. Memory retrieval is responsible for stabilizing memories through mechanisms similar to those happening during offline and sleep consolidation periods (Antony et al., 2017). During memory consolidation, synaptic consolidation strengthens the synaptic connections between neurons. System consolidation encompasses the gradual rearrangement of neural circuits and memory transfer from the hippocampus to another cortical area in the brain for long-term storage. Describe the role of the amygdala in memory formation. The amygdala is usually associated with processing memories and emotions linked with fear. Since the amygdala is close to the hippocampus and connects with it, they work as a team to make sure memories are unforgettable. It is responsible for emotions and memories, where the more sensitive the memory is, the higher the chances of being remembered (Guy-Evans, 2023). Alternatively, the amygdala functions as a store of bad and good memories but specifically for emotional traumas. The amygdala is usually associated with processing memories and emotions linked with fear. Since the amygdala is close to the hippocampus and connects with it, they work as a team to make sure memories are unforgettable. It is responsible for emotions and memories, where the more sensitive the memory is, the higher the chances of being remembered (Guy-Evans, 2023). Alternatively, the amygdala functions as a store of bad and good memories but specifically for emotional traumas. In the movie Groundhog Day, the character played by Bill Murray experiences the same day over and over again. One of the activities he practices each day is playing the piano. By the end of the movie, he is able to play piano expertly. Someone with anterograde amnesia could do the same, but unlike Bill Murray’s character, they would not remember ever practicing. This is because declarative memory is gone, but ______ memory remains intact following hippocampal damage. The memory that would remain intact is the non-declarative memory. The memory that would remain intact is the non-declarative memory. Retrograde amnesia is an inability to ______. Amnesia is a memory loss that impacts an individual's ability to store, make, and retrieve memories. Retrograde amnesia hampers memories that were created before the amnesia onset. A person who develops this condition after a traumatic brain injury is likely unable to remember something that occurred in the years before the injury (Osborn, 2018). With retrograde amnesia, memory loss mainly comprises facts instead of skills. Amnesia is a memory loss that impacts an individual's ability to store, make, and retrieve memories. Retrograde amnesia hampers memories that were created before the amnesia onset. A person who develops this condition after a traumatic brain injury is likely unable to remember something that occurred in the years before the injury (Osborn, 2018). With retrograde amnesia, memory loss mainly comprises facts instead of skills. The ______ memory system provides a temporary “register” for information while it is being used. Short-term memory (STM) is a temporal storage scheme which processes incoming sensory memory while the information is being used. It is accurately defined as a component of working memory that takes data from “sensory memory” and may connect the memory to something now in long-term memory. Short-term memory (STM) is a temporal storage scheme which processes incoming sensory memory while the information is being used. It is accurately defined as a component of working memory that takes data from “sensory memory” and may connect the memory to something now in long-term memory. Julie’s grandmother unfortunately had a stroke over the weekend. She took her to the doctor, and the doctor said to expect some declarative memory loss. What will Julie’s grandmother have problems with? The grandmother is possibly likely to have problems with memory for facts as a result of declarative memory loss. The grandmother will likely have complications recalling dates, individual experiences, and language complexities. The grandmother is possibly likely to have problems with memory for facts as a result of declarative memory loss. The grandmother will likely have complications recalling dates, individual experiences, and language complexities. _________ is a cellular and molecular ...
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