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Unit 8 Assignment Child and Adolescent psychology

Essay Instructions:
This assignment assesses the following Course Outcome: PS220-4: Describe changes in social-emotional development. Social-Emotional Development Throughout the Periods of Development Units 7 and 8 have been devoted to understanding social-emotional development. Recognizing the significance of fostering healthy self-development in children is crucial for adults in their lives because they play a pivotal role in shaping their children’s development. For this assignment, imagine that you are a child development expert who has been asked to provide information for parents that will be made available at a child drop-in center that caters to all early periods of development – infancy/toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. Please use the Unit 8 Assignment Template to create a FAQ document that traces self-development, focusing on self-awareness and self-control in infancy/toddlerhood and self-concept and self-esteem in early childhood, middle childhood and adolescence. Information on the role that parents play in their child’s self-development should also be described. The FAQ document should include the following: Provide a brief description of why healthy self-development is important. Definitions of the following key terms: self-awareness self-control self-concept self-esteem Infancy/Toddlerhood: Describe one detailed example of the development of self-awareness in infancy/toddlerhood. Describe one detailed example of the development of self-control in infancy/toddlerhood. Early Childhood: Describe one detailed example of the development of self-concept in early childhood. Describe one detailed example of the development of self-esteem in early childhood. Middle Childhood: Describe one detailed example of the development of self-concept in middle childhood. Describe one detailed example of the development of self-esteem in middle childhood. Adolescence: Describe one detailed example of the development of self-concept in adolescence. Describe one detailed example of the development of self-esteem in adolescence. Consider the role that parents play in the child’s self-development: List 4 “Do’s” of what parents can do to promote self-development in kids. Provide 1 “Do” for each of the 4 developmental periods: infancy/toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. List 4 “Don’ts” of what parents should avoid doing so as not to have a negative influence on self-development in kids. Provide 1 “Don’t” for each of the 4 developmental periods: infancy/toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social-Emotional Development Throughout the Periods of Development First/Last Name Department of Psychology, Purdue University Global PS220: Child and Adolescent Psychology Instructor’s Name Date FAQ - Social-Emotional Development Throughout the Periods of Development Why is healthy self-development important? Healthy self-development is crucial because it empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals efficiently. It involves deep self-reflection, understanding personal strengths and weaknesses, and striving for inner harmony (Prisniakova et al., 2023). Furthermore, it promotes resilience, adaptability, and emotional intelligence, enabling individuals to cope effectively with stress, setbacks, and adversity. Definitions of Key Terms: * Self-awareness: The knowledge we have of our own thoughts and our capacity to utilize this awareness to control our cognitive functions (Jones et al., 2024). * Self-control: The ability to control one’s behaviors, emotions, and thoughts effectively in different contexts.   * Self-concept: The perception of ourselves, including our identity, abilities, thoughts and emotions (Jones et al., 2024). * Self-esteem: One's feelings and thoughts about their identity and self-concept. Infancy/Toddlerhood: Self-awareness Children begin to develop self-awareness during the second year of life, as demonstrated through the "Rouge Test." In this test, an infant's face is marked with a spot of rouge, and they are then positioned in front of a mirror (Lally & Valentine-French, 2022). Suppose the infant recognizes themselves and attempts to touch or remove the dot from their face. In that case, it indicates they understand that the reflection in the mirror represents their own body, marking the emergence of self-awareness. Self-control Self-control enables infants and toddlers to regulate their emotions and behaviors appropriately. For instance, when a 9-month-old grabs a TV remote and starts pushing buttons, the mother gently removes it, explaining why it's not a toy. She offers a "busy box" with similar buttons instead. This interaction teaches the toddler about appropriate behavior, coping with disappointment, and accepting alternatives. Through such experiences and guidance from caregivers, infants and toddlers learn to manage their impulses, express themselves effectively, and make acceptable behavioral choices, laying the foundation for self-control. Early Childhood: Self-concept In early childhood, kids start understanding themselves through others. Imagine a child pulling a cat's tail and getting scolded by their mom. They learn it's wrong. Later, they mimic their mom's words to themselves, like saying, "No, that's bad," while patting their hand. That's when they start seeing themselves through their mom's eyes, moving from just being them...
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