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Unit 7 Discussion Child and Adolescent Psychology

Essay Instructions:
Attachment, Emotional Competence, and the Parental Influence on this Development In this unit, you will learn about social-emotional development in infancy/toddlerhood and early childhood. During the infancy/toddlerhood period, we see the development of an attachment relationship between the infant/toddler and caregiver. An early, healthy attachment relationship promotes many favorable aspects of emotional and social development (Berk, 2022). In the early childhood years, we see many changes in children’s understanding and expression of emotions. Caregivers play important roles in both the attachment process and the development of emotional competence. The focus of this discussion is on attachment, emotional competence and the role that parents play in this development. Please respond to the following: Imagine that you are part of a large longitudinal research study on attachment and emotions, observing infants and their caregivers in the lab at 12 months as they take part in the Strange Situation procedure and seeing them again in the lab two years later (when the children are 3 years old) for an information session on emotional competence. At the 12-month observation: What infant behaviors would you look for to distinguish between secure, insecure avoidant, insecure resistant, and insecure disorganized/disoriented attachment? Provide a brief description of infant behaviors for each attachment classification. In assessing the attachment relationship between the infant and caregiver, what factors would you take into account that may be influencing attachment security? At the emotional competence information session 2 years later: Briefly describe the development the caregivers may see in emotional understanding, emotional regulation, self-conscious emotions, and empathy and sympathy during the early childhood years (ages 2-6 years). Provide advice on how parents can promote the development of emotional competence in their children.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discussion Child and Adolescent Psychology Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor Date Discussion Child and Adolescent Psychology Secure Attachment Children with secure attachment are often comforted by their caregivers, especially when upset. They also use their caregivers as a ‘secure base’ to assess their environment when they are not upset (Naveed et al., 2020). Therefore, during the procedure, such children might cry when their caregiver leaves but are effortlessly comfortable on their return. Insecure Avoidant Attachment During the procedure, such attachment can be identified by observing children who develop an ‘avoidant’ to preserve closeness to their caregivers and ‘down-regulating their attachment attitudes (Naveed et al., 2020). Children appear to manage their distress and do not strongly signal a need for comfort. Children might find comfort quite challenging when reunited with their caregivers after separation. Insecure Resistant Attachment These children might maintain proximity to their caregiver during the procedure by ‘up-regulating’ their attachment behavior (Girme et al., 2021). If separated from ...
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