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Understanding and Addressing Behavioral Issues in Teens

Essay Instructions:

read the following text as it's content will be used for the next question

Step 1: Select a Scenario:** Behavioral Issues in Teens

Step 2: Select an Age Group:** Adolescents (13-18 years old)

Step 3: Select a Socioeconomic Status:** Middle socioeconomic status (SES)

Step 4: Family Composition:

The household comprises a couple named John and Emily, along with their teenage son, David, residing in a suburban area. John serves as a middle-level executive within a corporate entity, while Emily engages part-time as an assistant to educators. Their familial connections extend to close ties with both sets of grandparents, who reside in proximity and actively participate in David's upbringing.

Step 5: Identify the Type of Issue:

Behavioral issues in teens, Mental health issues (e.g., depression, anxiety)

Step 6: Identify Possible Sites of Impact:

Home environment, School, Mental health support services

Step 7: Identify Potential Solutions:

Therapeutic interventions, Parental guidance and support, School-based counseling programs

Parenting Case Study:

The Smith family has been grappling with David's increasing behavioral issues. Recently, they noticed a change in his behavior—withdrawn, declining academic performance, and frequent mood swings. David has been struggling with anxiety, which might be contributing to his behavioral challenges. John and Emily are concerned about the impact this may have on David's overall well-being and his academic future. They're considering seeking guidance from a therapist to address David's mental health concerns and exploring school-based counseling programs to support his needs. However, navigating the available resources in their middle-class neighborhood seems overwhelming, and they're unsure where to find the most effective support for David's situation. They are contemplating reaching out to their local community center, school counselors, and seeking recommendations from their trusted family network to better understand the available resources and potential solutions for David's behavioral challenges.

Importance of the Topic:

Understanding and addressing behavioral and mental health issues in teens is crucial as it significantly impacts their overall development, academic success, and future well-being. As these issues often surface during adolescence, identifying effective solutions and support systems is vital to help teenagers like David navigate these challenges and thrive.

the previous content was the action plan. Your action plan can build on your existing research essay, but the action plan itself will include a few additional components (denoted with an * below). The research you have done should be carefully woven into your action plan. In other words, don’t just copy and paste your research essay and tack on more words. Use the research to justify the actions you are proposing.

Statement of the problem: A statement of the key issues that must be explored in order to resolve your case study.(This can be the same as the statement in your research essay)

Incorporation of at least 10 credible sources from within the past 10 years that can be used to support a parenting action plan. At least 5 of these sources must be scholarly social science research articles, and at least 3 of the sources must have been published within the last 2 years.

*Incorporation of parenting or developmental theories to provide a framework for the proposed action plan.

*Description of potential sites of impact (Step 6 of action plan).

*Identify an action plan grounded in research that may address concerns posed by the case study (Step 7 of the action plan).

Correct use of in-text citations and corresponding reference list (APA 7th edition).

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Mental health is no longer a taboo subject that people avoid and dismiss. It is now recognized as part of a person’s entire well-being, and it has finally become a more informed conversation, with many individuals thinking about and caring for their mental health. Everyone, regardless of gender, age, or socioeconomic status, can suffer from mental health issues, and as of now, several people face various mental health issues (Rajabzadeh et al., 2021). The World Health Organization (2022) recognized that mental health must be a top priority, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed. Therefore, it is essential to understand the various aspects related to mental health issues to identify the roots and the possible solutions.

Statement of the Problem

Adolescents go through various changes as they approach maturity. They change physically, with some of their body parts growing larger; they change emotionally, believing that all their parents’ wrath is directed at them, and they change socially, with some preferring to stay alone and others seeking a specific group of friends (Wu et al., 2023). Along with these changes, teenagers are more likely to suffer from mental health problems; however, those from middle socioeconomic level (SES) families are more likely to suffer from mental health problems. Adolescents at this age are vulnerable to a variety of pressures, including academic, peer, societal expectations, and even familial dynamics. Because of the abrupt changes that occurred to them and their need to construct their own identity, they suffer from mental health illnesses, the most common of which are anxiety and sadness.

Furthermore, because of financial constraints and the stigma associated with mental health, their socioeconomic situation makes it difficult for them to access mental health care (Black et al., 2022; Foster & O'Mealey, 2022). Recognizing and treating mental health disorders in adolescents, on the other hand, is critical since it affects their daily functioning, overall well-being, academic achievement, and future endeavors (Reiss et al., 2019). These adolescents require holistic therapies to help them be resilient and overcome the mental health issues they are experiencing. It is important to remember, however, that the intervention must still be personalized to the individual's needs.

In such circumstances, the Smith family is faced with the arduous task of managing their adolescent son, David, behavioral issues, 

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