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Essay Instructions:
Experimental Designs The Unit 9 Assignment involves identifying different sources of error/bias, how they can affect study results and the conclusions that can be drawn, and ways to work around them. Assignment Directions Using the Unit 9 Assignment Template, please respond to the following: Identify the source of error/bias in each scenario and the best way to work around it, and then respond to the associated question for each scenario. A common error that people make is interpreting causation from correlation. For example, when X and Y are correlated, people might assume that X causes Y, when there are actually three possibilities. Identify the three different ways that a correlation between X and Y could be interpreted. Define a confounding variable. What are the three different ways that a correlation between time spent outdoors and happiness could be interpreted? What is a possible confounding variable affecting the relationship between time spent outdoors and happiness? A researcher finds a correlation between smoking cigarettes and stress. What are three different ways that this could be interpreted? What is a possible confounding variable affecting the relationship between cigarettes and stress? ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Directions Requirements Assignment Guidelines The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose that is clearly established and sustained. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Unit 9 Assignment Name: For the items below, use the drop down boxes to identify the source of error/bias and the best way to work around it. Be sure to also respond to the associated question for each scenario. Subject Reactivity is when participants show different behavior because they know they are being observed. The best way to work around this is to habituate participants and/or conceal the observer. In 1-2 sentences, why would this be a problem for the study data? Subject reactivity can be a challenge for study data as it would threaten the internal and external validity of the data collected, as the researcher would not be able to substantiate true observed behavior.Subject reactivity can be a challenge for study data as it would threaten the internal and external validity of the data collected, as the researcher would not be able to substantiate true observed behavior. Social Desirability Bias is when participants respond with what they think the researcher wants to hear, or what they think makes them look good, but not with the truth. The best way to work around this is to allow anonymous responses. In 1-2 sentences, why would this be a problem for the study data? The type of bias would make it impossible to collect quality and accurate data, making interpretation and validation of the study difficult.The type of bias would make it impossible to collect quality and accurate data, making interpretation and validation of the study difficult. Non-Response Bias is when a considerable number of people do not choose to take a survey and the people who take the survey differ in important ways from people who do not. Attrition is when, during the course of a study, participants drop out or withdraw from the study. The best way to work around each of these potential sources of error/bias is to provide incentives and make the study as easy/convenient to complete as possible. A researcher decides to recruit more participants to replace those who did not respond and/or those who dropped out from the study. In 1-2 sentences, why would this be a problem for the study data and not be advised? Substituting participants who drop out may result in bias, especially in random selection research, as replacement participants are not rightly selected randomly (Lugtig, Das & Scherpenzeel, 2014, pp.137-138).Substituting participants who drop out may result in bias, especially in random selection research, as replacement participants are not rightly selected randomly (Lugtig, Das & Scherpenzeel, 2014, pp.137-138). Observer Bias is when a researcher has preconceived notions that affect how they interpret data and respond to study participants. The best way to work around this is to use trained research assistants and a high-quality coding system with inter-rater reliability. A researcher feels confident that they will be able to be objective and unbiased and will put in their best effort to do so. In 1-2 sentences, why is this not sufficient for working around this issue? The effort is not adequate as sometimes the bias can be subconscious. Thus, the researcher may realize their bias, and it is also challenging to overlook personal judgment, especially in research in which one is invested. The effort is not adequate as sometimes the bias can be subconscious. Thus, the researcher may realize their bias, and it is also challenging to overlook personal judgment, especially in research in which one is invested.  A common error that people make is interpr...
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