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Essay Instructions:
Developmental Assessment in Early Childhood The early childhood stage is defined as the years between two and five. Children in this stage experience physical growth and development as they progress through multiple key milestones. In addition, they expand their cognitive skills and exhibit emotional and psychological attachment styles and connections. Continual research in the area of early childhood development has shown that this time is not just about surviving but thriving. It is important for a human service professional to be aware of the different environmental influences that can impact children in this life stage. Awareness of these influences and understanding what protective factors are needed to assist with healthy development and what risk factors may cause complications is beneficial to knowing what interventions and supports to offer the child and the caregiver. To prepare for this assignment, begin by reading the case study below. Reflect on the influences in Max’s environment that the human service professional needs to consider in relation to the developmental stage of infancy, taking into consideration the biopsychosocial perspective. Case Study Max is a 2-year-old boy who currently lives with his mother, Mary, and maternal grandparents, given that Mary was 16 years old when he was born and living with her parents at the time. Max’s biological father is not involved in a relationship with Max. He occasionally sees Max as they all live in the same town, but he does not make any effort to visit Max or provide financial support. Mary did not know that she was pregnant for the first three months of her pregnancy. During this time, Mary reports that she drank and smoked cigarettes on the weekends while partying with her friends. It was only after she started becoming ill and went to the doctor that she realized she was pregnant. Mary reported not drinking any alcohol or smoking for the rest of her pregnancy. However, she does state that once Max was born, she went back to drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes occasionally when she could get some time with her friends to help her relax. Max was born eight weeks premature and spent three weeks in the NICU at the hospital due to insufficient lung development. Since his release, he has had frequent trips to the doctor for upper respiratory issues and has been diagnosed with reactive airway disorder. Due to this diagnosis, Max needs albuterol treatment with a nebulizer a minimum of two times a day and occasional steroids. At his recent two-year checkup, he was noted as being underweight and did not appear to be vocal. Mary reports that he does not say a lot at home either, although he does seem to understand and respond to things she says based on his actions. Mary is working on completing her GED and is also the main caregiver for her son. She works about 16 hours a week at a local restaurant as a waitress and uses Medicaid to help pay for healthcare for Max. Mary’s parents have allowed her and Max to continue to live with them if Mary works toward getting her GED and maintains her job. They do help provide childcare when she is at work or taking her GED classes. Given Max’s health issues, he does not have a lot of social interaction with other children his age. His contact is mainly limited to Mary and her parents. Her parents do try to play with Max and provide a variety of learning activities. Mary states that she is very busy with work and studying for her GED and does not always have time to interact with Max when he wants to play. She also reports that he will scream and cry when people leave the room and is left alone to play. He does not sleep through the night, and at least two times a week wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. Mary reports that he often sleeps in her bed with her so she can get some sleep as well. He also has not been eating well lately, pushing food away. Assignment Directions For this assignment, use the case study above and the Unit 4 Assignment Template to discuss how various environmental factors influence the client’s behavior within early childhood (2–5 years). Please address all of the following: .Identify three relevant diagnoses, problems, or issues described in the case study affecting Max. .Considering the biopsychosocial theory, list one biological, one psychological, and one social factor that are relevant to consider when working with Max and his family. .The case study does not include the family’s culture/race/spirituality. Why would it be important to have this information? What are two questions could you ask to gather some of this information? .Based on each of the three issues you identified in the first bullet, identify at least three specific services and/or interventions that could be provided by a human service professional to assist Max and explain how each service and/or intervention is helpful to the client. Reference: Chapter 5 Textbook: Empowerment Series: Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective Jose B. Ashford Web Resource: Early Intervention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022) Videos Please watch the following videos (Youtube) Early Intervention (Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, 2016) Early Intervention Mom Interview (TEIS, 2020)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Development Assessment in Early Childhood Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date Identification of problems affecting Max First, Max has health problems which are premature birth, respiratory problems, and being underweight. Second, his speech and language development is an issue since lacks the language to express himself besides being less vocal (Zubler et al., 2022). The third issue is attachment and behavioral problems described by his separation anxiety, challenges to sleep alone, and poor eating habits. Biopsychosocial Factors The biological factors relevant to consider while working with Max would be being born a stillbirth and respiratory issues. Also, considering the prenatal alcohol and cigarette consumed by the mother could have an impact on Max, Psychological factors would be his restricted access to social interaction and playtime, attachment issues, and stress from the unstable environment (Ashford et al., 2016). Lastly, the social factors describe his lack of social in...
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