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Types of Therapy in Clinical Psychology

Essay Instructions:

Therapy is a vital part of the field of clinical psychology. As we have learned though, there are different types of therapy. All have their place in the field and are useful for different purposes. In this assignment you will demonstrate what you have learned about the four main approaches discussed in our text. Specifically, you will distinguish between the four showing how they are distinct in several areas.

In a 2-3-page expository essay, please distinguish between the four types of therapy we have studied (psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, and cognitive). Start by describing each type. Then distinguish between the four by comparing and contrasting and discussing the uniqueness of the following elements of each approach:

Theoretical components

Goals of each approach

Implications for treatment; what it actually involves (based on the above two categories)

Be sure to cover all three bullet points for each of the four types of therapy, and ensure that your discussion clearly distinguishes how each is unique, but also areas where they are similar or overlap.

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Therapy in Clinical Psychology
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Therapy in Clinical Psychology
Therapy, which is a treatment that involves the collaboration of the patient and psychologist, is pivotal in different dimensions. First, it helps people of all ages lead healthy and happy lives. This is because they develop effective habits through the help of psychologists who use research-based techniques to help them (APA, n.d.). It also helps people to modify their behaviors. Psychologists apply different approaches in therapy. They include psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, and cognitive theories.
Psychodynamic Theory
* The theory's basis is on the ideas of Sigmund Freud, which were applied to explain human behavior. He derived the ideas clinically based on what patients told him during therapy. The theory assumes that the primary source of human behavior is the unconscious mind (McLeod, 2020). This means that the unconscious motives of people have a massive impact on their behavior and feelings. In addition, the theory holds that events in childhood have a significant influence on adult lives. Last but not least, the approach contends that all human behaviors, including the most insignificant ones, have a cause.
* One of the prominent similarities the theory share with other approaches is that it focuses on human behavior. As a matter of fact, it aims to analyze and modify the behavior of patients. The other similarity is that it can be used to treat such conditions as depression.
* The theory has some notable distinctions from other approaches used in therapy. First, its concepts are not scientific and cannot be proved empirically (McLeod, 2020). The theory views it as support when people behave in the ways it predicts but argues that they use defense mechanisms if they behave differently. The other distinction is that the theory’s case studies focus on studying one person in detail, which makes it difficult to generalize to wider populations.
Humanistic Theory
* The theory was invented in the 1960s and holds that people are born with a natural tendency to make healthy choices. However, people of authority, such as teachers and parents, thwart those natural impulses by enforcing a variety of dysfunctional convictions. Therefore, humanistic therapists help their clients overcome negative influences and return to healthy choices that would enhance their progression in life (MentalHelp.net, n.d.). In a word, the theory was developed to help people achieve self-actualization.
* One of the similarities is that the theory offers guidelines to psychologists within which to work. Like other theories, the approach also offers professionals the opportunity to evaluate progress made. It also holds that all behaviors...
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