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Board-Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst's Analysis of Risk and Benefits

Essay Instructions:

Analyzing Risks and Benefits

For this week’s assignment, you will play the role of an experienced Board-Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) who is working for a new company.

As an experienced BCaBA, you are asked to evaluate a case scenario and the possible ethical considerations. You need to weigh the risks and benefits of an intervention given the severity of the client’s behaviors.


Ali is a 5-year-old child diagnosed with autism that engages in several problem behaviors in the classroom setting. The current classroom includes one teacher, a teacher’s assistant, and a paraprofessional with 12 students in the class. This is a self-contained classroom, and all of the students in the classroom have various needs. Ali’s most severe problem behavior includes self-injurious behavior of hitting herself in the forehead. This behavior is often mild in magnitude but sometimes more forceful to the point that it leaves a mark. Currently, the behavior occurs about 15 times per day. Ali’s parents are concerned that this behavior may be causing headaches and other pain. You want to get together the team of stakeholders to involve them in the decision making. You also want to rule out any medical issues so you consult the parent about asking the doctor about the headaches. You ask for consent to speak with the other individuals on the team.

After observing the behavior, you notice that the behavior mostly occurs during group lessons or when the teacher is not attending to Ali. Parents also notice that when they are talking or on the phone, the behavior occurs. The function of the self-injurious behavior is hypothesized to be attention.

The current recommendation for a behavior intervention is that a Differential Reinforcement of Other behaviors (DRO) procedure be implemented for the absence of head hitting. First, interresponse time data will need to be collected to determine the interval schedule. Before proceeding, you want to weigh the risks and benefits of implementing this procedure since Ali’s behavior is self-injurious. Since the function is hypothesized to be attention-seeking, you wonder if extinction combined with reinforcement (DRO) is the best procure. Discuss the risks and benefits of implementing a DRO procedure for the absence of head hitting.

Assignment Directions

Once you have read the case scenario above, use the Unit 7 Assignment Template to complete this assignment. You will be asked to do the following:

Summarize the case scenario.

What is the target behavior?

Is it dangerous to the client or others?

Summarize the relevant codes and explain the relevance of these codes to the given case. https://www(dot)bacb(dot)com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Ethics-Code-for-Behavior-Analysts-220316-2.pdf

2.14 Selecting, Designing, and Implementing Behavior-Change Interventions

2.15 Minimizing Risk of Behavior-Change Interventions.

Summarize how you have weighed the risks and benefits of this case. Be sure to include all of the following:

How will the client directly benefit from this intervention?

How will the stakeholders benefit from the client’s success with this intervention?

Describe how your intervention is conceptually consistent with behavioral principles, based on scientific evidence, and based on assessment results.

Explain how you have prioritized positive reinforcement procedures.

Summarize the steps you have taken to best meet the diverse needs, context, and resources of the client and stakeholders.

What is the risk to the client?

Is there any risk to others in the setting? (Consider parents, classmates, the behavior analyst (BA), and any other stakeholders)

Are there sufficient personnel or mediators to implement the intervention?

Have they been or will they be trained?

Is the setting appropriate for the treatment?

Is the behavior analyst (BA) experienced in the treatment of this type of case?

Summarize the steps you have taken to consider the design and implementation of behavior-change interventions to produce outcomes likely to maintain under naturalistic conditions.

How will the client come into contact with new reinforcers?

Will the client have sufficient opportunities to practice this new skill?

Provide a brief statement of how you will evaluate and document the effectiveness of your intervention.

Provide a brief statement of your conditions for modification or discontinuing ineffective intervention.

Provide a one paragraph summary that includes:

The potential risks

The potential benefits

An explanation of how the benefits outweigh risks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing Risks and benefits
Student’s Name
Purdue University Global
PS225- Unit 4 Assignment
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Case Summary
Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by a wide range of developmental disabilities caused by differences in brain functions. Children with ASD have differences in perceptions, interactions, and communication (Zane & Davis, 2013). They usually have difficulties communicating, socializing, abnormal sensory processing, or certain compulsions. Understanding their weaknesses and strengths can help in making their lives comfortable (Zane & Davis, 2013). Attempts to express themselves can sometimes be through certain behaviors or actions. After carefully evaluating Ali's behavior, attention-seeking through self-injurious action is concluded. Attention is sorted by hitting her head. This could be an attempt to communicate, express distress and discomfort or evade loneliness or fear. Her actions are a danger to her classmates and may be used as objects to hit her.
Relevant Codes
In developing an intervention plan for a child with risky behavior, it is important to consider the child's physical and emotional needs, environment, and stakeholders. This will help create a personalized and customized intervention plan relevant to the behavioral principles. Ensuring that the choice of intervention is scientifically proven to be effective and has shown good results in the past. Inappropriate choice of intervention can lead to failure to replace the behavior, which might become more harmful (BACB, 2022). Prioritizing positive reinforcement procedures will help the child positively view a task given rather than as a punishment. Involve all the stakeholders, like parents, teachers, and siblings (BACB, 2022). Considering resources available at home and school, does the choice put others at risk, how does it benefit others, and what are the long-term effects on the child and others involved? Are the stakeholders comfortable with the choice? Ensure their opinion is put into consideration. Everyone involved should be trained and be well conversant with the process and the intended goal. The intervention should be easily blended into everyday activities to be naturally affected (BACB, 2022). A summarized intervention plan with the prevention, teaching, and consequences strategies in the form of a chart or picture map should be made.
The goal and objective of reinforcement of behavior should include carefully choosing an intervention with minimal risks of failing, risks of the reinforced choice potentially becoming a bad behavior, risks of financial strain, or risks of having a negative impact on other children. More restrictive or punishment-based methods are considered if other methods have proved ineffective or if the risks outweigh the benefits (BACB, 2022). The risk of behavior persisting is avoided if its failure is noted early and the intervention is changed. Starting with less intrusive methods is fair as it reduces the risks of infringing on human rights. Consistent implementation, evaluation, and recording failures and successes throughout the intervention can help determine success or failure.
Discussion on Risks and Benefits
Ali's behavior is hitting her head to seek attention from the teacher and her parents. Communicating and interacting with the child can help in understanding the reason behind their actions. Establishing the trigger as either fear, loneliness, a way of asking for help, or a medical implication with pain could be a response to pain.
A positive reinforcement method was considered in the choice of a target behavior...
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