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Applying the Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to Modify Target Behaviors

Essay Instructions:

For this week’s assignment, you will write a 4-5 page narrative essay to present to a group of undergraduate students prior to their graduation (note for this assignment you will only write the essay. There is no actual presentation component).

You are playing the role of a behavior analyst who has been working in the field for 25 years. You have been asked to speak to college students who will be graduating with their Bachelor’s in Psychology in Applied Behavior Analysis in less than a month. You want your message to be meaningful to these students and you want to engender pride in the work done by behavior analysts and inspire these students to obtain their Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) certifications. You want to establish your credibility as a speaker for the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA) by presenting some background information about your education and expertise in the field, as well as a brief overview of the science of ABA.

You believe that describing a day in the life of a behavior analyst might be the best way to get your message across. Sharing an early experience you had speaking to a group of parents will be an effective approach. You recount an experience you had speaking to a group of new parents who had many questions about behaviors being demonstrated by their children.

Listen to the parent questions from three different parents during that discussion.

Parent #1: “Lori is in 3rd grade and was recently diagnosed with autism. It is a struggle for us to get out of the door in the morning because when we try and get her to dress herself or pack her things, she has a lot of behaviors. We will say, “Lori, get your shoes and put them on,” and she will yell “no, I don’t want to!” and kick, sometimes even throw them. We have to leave and are usually running late so this is really difficult for our family. She likes going to school and once we get there, she walks in with no problem. It might be related to the fact that she wants to keep playing with her iPad as she also hates transitioning away from that.

Parent #2: My son, Sam, is the class clown. He enjoys making others laugh, even when he is being silly or inappropriate. His teacher has told us that he will shout things like, “Poo poo car!” and other kids will laugh. This is very disruptive for the classroom setting and we really want to work on this “potty talk.” When he shouts things like this, his teacher always has to reprimand him and say, “Please use nice words, do not say those things.” It doesn’t seem to be working. She has always tried putting him in timeout in the back of the classroom but no success.

Parent #3: Sarah is four and has a hard time sharing with her younger sister and friends. We went on a road trip to Florida and the car ride was very difficult. Sarah kept snatching things out of her younger sister’s car seat and not giving them back. It is hard to block and we can barely reach back to manage the situation. At school, her teacher reported that she has difficulty sharing the kitchen station. She hoards the food items and wont’ let other kids come near them. She has even gone as far as to bite them and scratch on the arms. This behavior is making it difficult for us to have playdates and go anywhere where she might need to share.

Write a 4-5 page narrative essay in which you include the following:

Introduce yourself and establish yourself as a credible representative by presenting some background information about your education and expertise in the field, as well as a brief overview of the science of ABA.

Include each parent’s question and provide your recommendations for modifying the behaviors.

Include explanations of the contingencies at work maintaining the target behaviors, i.e., reinforcement, punishment, and motivating operations, and possible approaches to modify the behaviors of concern (brief behavior modification approaches).

Discuss mock future communications you received from each of these three parents regarding the successes they encountered when implementing your suggestions.

Conclude with a paragraph that leaves your audience with an inspiring thought or quotation that reflects your joy in making a difference in the lives of those who are struggling.

****I need you to use this book let me know and I can give you access to my school library****

******Cooper, J.O., Heron, T.E., & Heward, W.L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis. (3rd ed.)***

*****Miltenberger, R. G. (2015). Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures (6th ed.). Cengage Limited. ****


Your Assignment should be a 4-5 page narrative essay, not including the Title and Reference pages, and should include the following elements:

Title page should be in APA Style.

Body: Answer the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs

The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).

Reference Page should be in APA Style.

Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced

Use 7th Edition APA Formatting and Citation style

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Applying the Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to Modify Target Behaviors
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Applying the Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to Modify Target Behaviors
As I stand before you, I cannot help but reflect on my journey as an applied behavior analyst. I have a post-graduate degree in psychology in applied behavior analysis (ABA) with Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) certification. You can also obtain the BCaBA certification after graduating. All you need is to apply for and pass the BCaBA examination and perform supervised fieldwork of 1300 hours (Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), n.d.). Once you get your certification, you need to reapply for certification after every two years. As you all know, ABA is a practice that utilizes the science of learning and behavior to solve social problems by modifying behavior (Fisher et al., 2021). ABA aims to promote helpful behaviors and reduce harmful or distractive behaviors. A BCaBA certification allows you to modify behaviors effectively among different groups of people. It also allows you to provide training and support to parents of children with problem behavior. This involves identifying problem behavior and offering recommendations to help parents use effective strategies based on the unique needs of their children (Fisher et al., 2021). I have been in this field for 25 years, and during that time, I accumulated experience and expertise, which I will share with you today.
A Preview of the Life of a BCaBA
During one of my early interactions with parents, I encountered several scenarios that sufficiently demonstrated the role of BCaBA and how impactful this role is on parents and their children. I will share with you three scenarios and illustrate what I did and the outcomes in each scenario.
Scenario 1
A parent explained that their child, Lori, recently diagnosed with autism, exhibited problem behavior every morning when getting ready for school, despite her love for school. She would yell and throw her shoes instead of putting them on. She demonstrates problem behavior when getting ready for school. The parent assumed that Lori's behavior was caused by her wanting to keep playing with her iPad instead of getting ready for school.
The first thing I did was identify and define the target behavior. Target behavior refers to the behavior that has been chosen for change (Cooper et al., 2020). In Lori’s case, the target behavior was “quickly getting ready for school without causing a fuss.” I recommended that Lori’s parents use positive reinforcement to encourage Lori to get quickly get ready for school without a fuss. Positive reinforcement involves adding a stimulus or increasing its intensity to strengthen a behavior (Miltenberger, 2015). Lori wanted to play with her iPad, and thus, the iPad was a stimulus. I suggested that the parents allow Lori additional time to play with her iPad as a reward for quickly getting ready for school without a fuss. Lori already wanted more time with her iPad. For a stimulus to work as reinforcement, the individual must already want it (Cooper et al., 2020). However, I also informed them that the iPad is unlikely to work as a reinforcement if Lori no longer wants it. A stimulus might lose its reinforcement power/value due to motivating operations (Cooper et al., 2020). I advised the parent to use more powerful reinforcement if they noticed that Lori was no longer motivated to maintain the positive behavior even after increased use of her iPad before school.
Several months later, I encountered Lori's parents, whose feedback was ...
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