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Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the Field of Psychology

Essay Instructions:

Review the case scenarios carefully (see below). In a 2-3-page expository paper, analyze ethical and legal responsibilities related to each case. This should be based on course materials, your own research, and at least two of the codes of ethics in the field of psychology.

Address the following for each case:

Describe at least two ethical standards, specific to the area of boundaries of competence, that provide direction for each case. Explain why that particular standard is applicable in the case. Be sure to discuss individual standards within the codes of ethics, not general principles, and cite the applicable code of ethics.

Explain how the professional could ensure that each standard identified is being upheld, by providing at least one example for each standard.

Next, analyze how legal responsibilities apply to each case. This should be based on the supplemental reading in the course, and at least one additional scholarly source.

The paper should include support from the textbook, two separate codes of ethics, and at least two additional scholarly sources.

Alyssa has completed a bachelor’s degree in psychology in addictions, and has been working as a case manager. Recently Alyssa also began an internship to work toward becoming a certified addiction counselor. While conducting an intake interview with a new client who has been court-ordered to the facility, the client responds to a standard question that they are homicidal. Alyssa first inquires whether the client understands the meaning of the word homicidal. The client replies, “I wish I had a bullet for that cop that arrested me”.

Jakob has been a psychiatric technician for about a year, but has been working in the field of psychology for about 10 years in various other positions. Jakob’s undergraduate degree is in ABA, which included quite a bit of study regarding individuals with developmental disabilities. A new client has been exhibiting symptoms that appear to be related to autism spectrum disorder. Jakob feels that there is enough information to indicate the client should be evaluated further.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the Field of Psychology
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the Field of Psychology
Alyssa’s Case
Alysa must consider the confidentiality and informed consent ethical standards when establishing the direction for her case.
The National Association of Alcoholism, Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) code of ethics (2021) indicate that addiction professional must understand that confidentiality is the basis of successful treatment. However, they must also discuss the limits of confidentiality with their clients. Alyssa’s client demonstrates homicidal tendencies. As such, she might be forced to breach confidentiality if, upon further evaluation of the client, she establishes that the threat to the police officer is probable and imminent. To uphold the ethical standard of confidentiality, she must explain to the client the duty to warn concept and how it hinders confidentiality.
Informed Consent
According to the NAADAC code of ethics (2021), addiction professionals must ensure that clients are adequately informed of the treatment's purpose, limitations, and risks and their right to refuse or accept the treatment. Alyssa’s client has been court-mandated to receive treatment but can still refuse treatment. In this case, the NAADAC code of ethics suggests that the addiction professional must inform the client of the consequences of refusing treatment. To uphold this ethical standard, Alyssa must discuss the consequences of refusing treatment, including going to jail, the benefits, and the legal limitations of confidentiality. She must, however, respect the clients' decision after providing informed consent.
Legal Responsibilities
Alyssa is legally responsible for informing a potential victim about an imminent threat (Pomerantz, 2020). According to Mitchels and Bond (2021), therapists are legally responsible for disclosing confidential information if the client poses an immediate threat to others. Alyssa is also legally responsible for reporting the client's progress to the court.
Jakob’s Case
In Jakob’s case, the two ethical standards to consider are accountability and respect for the patient's right to choose.
According to the California Association of Psychiatric Technicians (CAPT) code of ethics (n.d.), psychiatric technicians are bound...
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