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Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

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Treatment for anxiety, trauma-and stressor-related and obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.

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Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
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As is mentioned in the reading titled Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, anxiety is a future-oriented mood state (Hofmann et al. 2019). It means the disease can occur without any triggering stimulus and leads the patient to have negative events temporarily or permanently. The most common and highly recommended treatment for anxiety disorders is psychological treatment. In some circumstances, the doctor recommends medications, but pharmaceutical drugs are not as effective as psychological treatment.
The best and most efficient type of psychological treatment is CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). CBT focuses on changing and challenging unhelpful cognitive distortions, such as beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts. For this purpose, the medical expert may provide counseling, which is combined with certain medications, in order to enhance the mood of the patient and to develop personal coping strategies that target solving anxiety-related problems. It should be noticed that cognitive behavioral therapy was first used to treat depression, but due to its effectiveness and usefulness, the therapy is now used to cure anxiety disorders in all parts of the world. Depending on the mental condition of a patient, the therapy lasts for four to eight weeks.
Healthcare experts have found that some bona fide therapeutic interventions are as effective for treating anxiety disorders as is cognitive behavioral therapy (Sheikh & Cassidy, 2000). Exposure therapy is sometimes accompanied by cognitive behavioral therapy. In this type of treatment, the patient confronts a situation that makes them anxious or restless. For instance, if someone is anxious about traveling through train, then the doctor will spend some time with the patient asking about the...
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