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Bipolar I Disorder: Diagnostic Criteria and Additional Symptoms

Essay Instructions:

List of diagnostic criteria from the DSM 5 any other symptoms from your additional source.

Please either paraphrase or copy and paste every diagnostic criterion listed in the DSM 5 for your selected disorder. If you araphrase the information, your citation should be (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). If you copy and paste the information, please place each criterion in quotation marks and cite it as (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. [include page number]). Please either paraphrase or copy and paste any additional symptoms listed in your additional source for your selected disorder.

Choose a psychological disorder listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM5, American Psychiatric Association, 2013). A copy of the DSM5 is available at the Jen Library on reserve, under my last name (Kokkinou). I also have a personal copy of the DSM5, which you can access during my office hours.

identify and copy a supplemental reliable source on your chosen disorder. You may use google scholar and the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (from EBSCO) database available on the library website to identify scientific articles and books about your chosen disorder. Reliable sources include scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals (e.g, American Psychologist, Journal of Clinical Psychology), scientific books and textbooks, university websites, websites of reputable academic and medical associations/ organizations, etc.. Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source! However, you may use Wikipedia as a starting point in your research, by looking up the referenced articles listed at the bottom of the Wikipedia article.

It's List of diagnostic criteria from the DSM 5 any other symptoms from your additional source. And find one more source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Bipolar I Disorder: Diagnostic Criteria (DSM 5) and Additional Symptoms Name Institutional Affiliation Bipolar I Disorder: DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria and Additional Symptoms Diagnostic Criteria The diagnostic criteria for bipolar I disorder will be met if individuals present with at least one or more manic episodes in their lifetime in the presence or absence of mixed features. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), the diagnosis of a manic episode requires following criteria A-D as provided in the manual (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). * A distinct period of insistently and unusually elevated, irritable, and expansive mood and persistently and abnormally increased goal-directed energy or activity that lasts for a minimum of seven days in most of these days, or almost daily (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). * Three or more of the following symptoms are presented to a significant degree during periods of increased activity or energy and mood disturbance (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). These symptoms include:- 1 Grandiosity or increased self-esteem 2 A declined need for sleep, where individuals feel rested following 3 hours of sleep 3 Becoming more talkative than normal or experience pressure to continue talking 4 An experience in flight of subjective experience or flight of ideas that opinions are racing. 5 Observed or reported distractibility or easy to lose attention to irrelevant or less important external stimuli 6 Increased goal-directed activities such as sexually, socially, and at school or workplace or augmented psychomotor agitation or non-goal-directed activity. 7 Too much involvement in activities with high chances of leading to painful outcomes, such as engaging in sexual indiscretions, uncontrolled buying extravaganzas, or foolish investments in business. * Severe mood disturbance that is results in marked impairment in work or social functioning. The severity may d...
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