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Psychology Assignment: Solution-Focused Therapy

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This paper should reflect your perspective of the chapter.

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Solution-focused therapy
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Solution-focused therapy is a treatment, which works on the premise that people who seek treatment can behave effectively. However, their negative mindset overshadows all these leading to problems. Therapists such as Steve de Shazer, Insoo Berg among others who came up with this therapy believed that patients only see the issues when they are there, but they never notice when they have no troubles. Through solution-based therapy, therapists can help clients shift their concentration to the times there are no problems and use this to come up with solutions. The treatment further observes that the narrow view of one’s problem only when they appear, perpetuate stiff responses that provide unhelpful solutions. Therefore, individuals should learn to see the other side of their problems to come up with solutions. The philosophy according to this family therapy that the clients have all the answers they need and can help themselves, in my opinion, is correct. However, it should offer more than solutions to the clients.
The definition of an average family according to this form of treatment is that individuals are expert about their lives. The treatment believes that since people know the problems they are facing, they have the solutions to these problems. Hence, a therapist puts the client in a position where they provide all the information needed for the treatment without the therapist having to explore their lives. While this philosophy may be accurate, it gives a sense that people are resourceful and flexible, which may not always be the case. Before a family goes in for family therapy, they have tried all they can to resolve their issues and failed. In other cases according to structural family therapy, the problems troubling a family may be due to the organization of the family, which they may not be aware of; Thus, the optimistic perspective that people are experts in their problems and solutions may not heal a family.
In the development of behavior disorders, solution-focused therapy disregards the categorization of people as being a particular way, for example, being disengaged or enmeshed. The treatment considers this labeling as taking away attention from other times when a person or a family was involved instead of disengaged, which offer solutions. Also, it steers clear of trying to ascertain how a problem came about as according to it s...
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