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Functional Assessment on Angela’s Case Scenario

Essay Instructions:

Behavior assessment is based on a more scientific approach, the prime example of which is functional assessment.  Describe what functional assessment is and how it can be used the following case:

Angela came to school very angry.  Her parents had been having a heated argument, and they both turned their anger on Angela shortly before she left the house. Angela’s first class was history-a subject she felt was a waste of her time and that was taught by a teacher with whom she did not get along. Angela and the history teacher had a history of disagreements about her lack of interest and effort in this class. Shortly after arriving in class, Angela’s history teacher told her that her shirt, which contained a sexually explicit slogan on the back, was in very poor taste and that she must go and change it immediately. Angela responded by yelling at the teacher and refusing to change the shirt. Her friends laughed and cheered Angela’s defiance. The history teacher told Angela to go to the office.

Your submission should address the following areas in your functional assessment:

  1. Family/personal factors?
  2. Environmental factors?
  3. Antecedent? What are the antecedents to the target behavior(s)?
  4. Behavior(s)? Describe the behavior that could be targeted.  These can be problem behaviors that would be targeted to decrease or behaviors that you would like to increase. Or, both.
  5. Consequence?  What are the immediate consequences of the behavior?
  6. Maintaining reinforcers?
  7. Function?  What is the probable function of the behavior(s)?
  8. Possible replacement behavior?

Make sure to number your answers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Functional Assessment on Angela’s Case Scenario Name Institution Functional Assessment of Angela’s Case Scenario 1. Family/personal factors? The family factors covered in this story are personal arguments between Angela’s parents. Before Angela went to school, her parents argued and directed their anger to Angela, which ended up infuriating her psychologically. Having personal issues in functional assessment might alter the behavior of a child towards different people based on what he or she is experiencing mentally (Anderson, Rodriguez, & Campbell, 2015). This might be observed quite well in the case of Angela. 2. Environmental factors? One of the environmental factors experienced in Angela’s case study is that her continuous disagreements between Angela and her history teacher based on Angela’s disinterest to history. Angela used to perform poorly in her history subject, which might have made her history teacher interested trying to help her improve her performance although her negative attitude towards the subject might have been an environmental factor that might have contributed to the poor performance of Angela in her history subject. Another environmental factor is the t-shirt that Angela had worn that particular day to school. The T-shirt that Angela wore on that day that she was mentally affected by the argument that her parents had in the morning and the fact that the parents had directed their arguments to her. The teacher claimed that the t-shirt had an explicit slogan, and Angela needed to change this t-shirt immediately. The disinterest of Angela to the subject of history, Angela’s negative attitude towards history, and the t-shirt that Angela had worn with explicit sexual content were the environmental factors involved in the functional assessment of Angela’s case. 3. Antecedent? What are the antecedents to the target behavior(s)? The antecedent behavior in the case scenario is yelling, where Angela might have felt the stimulus of too much pressure from the environment and from her teacher with whom she was not in excellent terms with based on her poor performance and negative attitude towards history. Different stimulus contributes to different reactions and responses in human behavior (Lloyd et al., 2016). She responded by refusing to change the T-shirt too, which seemed to be a behavior that can be related to the antecedent in the practical assessment case scenario. 4. Behavior(s)? The behaviors that could be targeted is the behavior of yelling and refusing to change the t-shirt after getting instructions to change the t-shirt with the explicit sexual content from the teacher. Decreasing the behavior of yelling and increasing the behavior of obeying instructions from adults, especially teachers in school who are mandated to make learners grow up morally (Flower, McKenna, & Haring, 2017). Angela’s defiance reaction to the...
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