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Diagnosing Psychological Problems Or Other Clinical Issues

Essay Instructions:

Compare and contrast the behavioral assessment already discussed with personality testing. Use examples in your discussion to support your points. Do the purposes of the assessments differ?

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Personality Testing
Personality Testing
Personality tests are used to measure the personality of a person. They are essential in diagnosing psychological problems or other clinical issues that may be associated with a person. Also, personality testing plays a huge role when it comes to monitoring employment applicants. Behavioral assessments help determine the external behavior of a person or a program. It is usually functional testing to know how a person works. Also known as black box testing, behavior assessment can be carried out in several ways. For example, domain tests and decision tables are the most used methods. The essay discusses the similarities and differences in personality testing and behavior assessment.
There are two types of personality testing- projective tests and self-report inventories. The most common self-report inventory is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) that evaluates personality traits (Schonfeld & Mazzola, 2013). The MMPI asks true/false queries that are intended to provide a clinical profile of a person. In projective testing, ambiguous images are used to assess the unconscious desires and fears of a person. There are different forms of personality testing. An example is Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB) which is similar to the word test although in this case, a person is required to complete sentences. This will help reveal their hidden fears and struggles.
Most people think that personality tests and behavior assessments mean the same thing. As a result, they use them interchangeably and end up confusing. Personality tests are designed to bring out the personality of a person. This is not the same as behavioral testing shows how an employee acts in a particular environment. Behavior and personality are two different things (Jones et al., 2018). For instance, when a person goes somewhere, they might change their behavior so that they can fit in the environment. It is, however, hard to change the personality of a person. Personality is a different story on its own, while behavior is how the character responds to a given situation.
Behavior and feelings are as a result of an interaction between situations and personalities. Behavior assessments are necessary because they give people the opportunity to apply the information from the obtained results. This is because the behavior is highly dependent on the environment. For example, one may be a noisy person at home or when surrounded by friends and family. However, when in a new environment, it is likely that the ...
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