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Why Individuals Might Be Against Taking A Genetic Test

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Genetic Testing
Genetic Testing
Anything that makes you different from others also makes you vulnerable to discrimination. One of the reasons why individuals might be against taking a genetic test is the likelihood of being discriminated, especially when it comes to health insurance or employment opportunities. In this premise, genetic testing might affect the one thing that all human beings are striving for; equality. The issue of equality in society is serious to the extent that laws have been put in place to protect people who might be viewed as “inferior” due to certain conditions. In fact, the predictive element of genetic testing opens up room for some people to benefit at the expense of others. Just like people have to disclose whether they have a family history of certain medical conditions while filling insurance forms, people might also be forced to disclose any knowledge of abnormality detected through genetic testing. Thus, it is safe to avoid genetic testing to ensure that one has access to equal opportunities without worrying about developing abnormally. While most medical information is confidential and no one should have access to it without the subject’s permission, there is always the risk that such information would fall into wrong hands, either intentionally or unintentionally. Thus, to ensure that nothing like that happens, individuals might opt against genetic testing.
However, some individuals fully support genetic testing and would have no problem undertaking such testing. This is because genetic testing can be used as a prevent...
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