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Personality Testing Responses

Essay Instructions:

A behavioral assessment is a process that seeks to pinpoint specific target behaviors, the purpose of that behavior and main factors that support the behavior affecting an individual. A behavioral assessment renders the basis for behavioral change. Hence, this change necessitates treatment though manipulation and evaluation. This form of assessment is concerned with events and resulting consequences of behavior, along with ways to modify this behavior. There are two relatively popular distinct steps available to clinicians conducting a behavioral assessment. A functional assessment of behavior identifies target behaviors, conducts a functional analysis, and develops treatment strategies. (Kenny et al., 2008) A self-report assessment acquires information directly from a patient and tends to include interviews, self-report measures and recordings of the results. Hence, behavioral assessment is critical for understanding the function of specific problems and forming an effective plan for behavioral change. (Tasse, 2006)

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Personality Testing Responses Name: Institution: Personality Testing Responses Response one In the first response, the author says that the aim of carrying out behavioral assessments is to identify a specific target behavior, all the factors supporting the behavior, and the purpose for that behavior. The author, however, failed to mention how the surrounding environment plays a huge role in determining the response of a person. The main reason for carrying out a behavioral assessment is to be able to understand the person better. These assessments can also be used to predict the behavior of the person in the future. There are times where one feels uncomfortable in the environment they are in, and as a result, they end up confining themselves to their own space. The author has explained all the essential facts about behavioral assessments. Personality tests are used to measure the personality of a person. The writer has explained the concepts of personality testing in a more profound way. Examples of how personality tests are carried out have been given and explained. It is likely that someone reading the article will understand what they are reading. I feel that response one is written in a better way than the other one. The subtopics help the reader know what they are talking about. Although the author in response one wrote an appealing article, they did not fully explore the determining factors. For example, the environment determines the behavior of a person. The author missed out on the most important details. Also, the language used in response one might be hard to understand. I feel that the author would have used terms that people can understand. I know that there are terms used in a particular profession. However, a person who does not study psychology will be forced to look up the meanings of the words so that they can understand. Response two The author in this response says that the aim of carrying out behavioral assessments is to find all the factors playing a part in a particular behavior. This definition is also correct. The surroundings are the most influential factor in the character of a person. People behave differently in different environments. Focuses on the environment would have been insightful on this case....
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